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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-05 20:06:04  


摘 要



Urban sewage treatment technology of a prefecture level city in Northeast China


The water plant designed in this project is the technological design of an urban sewage treatment plant of 300,000 tons/day in a prefecture-level city in northeast China.According to the requirements of the design task book, the water needs to meet the first-level discharge standard after treatment. After the analysis of the raw water quality, the design needs to overcome the problem of sewage treatment at low temperature. The design process of low temperature sewage plant, through the thick grille, hydrolysis acidification pool and a series of process, adopts the modular AAO oxidation ditch, the process will be constructed the biochemical pool and the second pond , achieve the purpose of the save land area, the process for the inverted AAO process of biochemical pool at the same time, the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus, was optimized for each process before setting the automatic temperature control valve, part of the structures built for half underground type, part of the structures set in the interior of the earth, to ensure the normal process at low temperature, after the guarantee that the above requirements, to design of sewage plant, The process drawings of each structure, the plan of the sewage plant and the setting of the integrated pipeline were drawn.

Keywords: combined AAO oxidation ditch, urban sewage,


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 基本资料及污水处理工艺流程选择 1

1.1 设计任务 1

1.2 基本资料 1

1.3 处理程度计算 2

1.4 原水水量及水质分析 3

第二章 工艺流程的确定 4

2.1 城镇污水处理工艺比较 4

2.2 工艺流程的确定 6

第三章 污水处理系统 10

3.1设计流量 10

3.2 粗格栅 10

3.3 细格栅 14

3.4 沉砂池 16

3.5 酸化调节池 19

3.6 A2/O生物脱氮除磷 20

3.8 接触消毒池设计计算 33

3.9污泥浓缩池设计计算 35

第四章 污水厂的总体布置 37

4.1污水处理厂的平面布置原则 37

4.2污水厂的高程布置 38

第五章 污水厂工程概算 41

5.1土建部分 41

5.2设备部分 42

5.3其他费用及总造价费用预算表 44

参考文献 45

致谢 46



本毕业设计为东北某城市的城市污水处理工程。该市位于长白山脉,松花江畔,全市总面积2.72万 km2 ,目前总人口约400万人。由于城市的扩张以及人口的增长,现有的污水处理厂已不能满足要求,急需新建一座城市污水处理厂。

  1. 污水处理厂方案的总体设计:对于污水厂的总体的设计,包括工艺的选择和构筑物的设计,进行总体布局的设计。
  2. 进行污水处理厂的各构筑物工艺计算:包括初步设计、设备选型、图中应有设备、材料一览表。

1.2 基本资料

该地圾市的地理位置大概位于吉林省,吉林省位于中纬度亚区大陆的东侧, 属于温带大陆性季风气候,四级分明,雨热同季。春季干燥风大,夏季高温多雨, 冬寒冷漫长。冬季平均温在-11℃以下。夏季平原平均气温在23℃以上。吉林省气温年较差在3542℃,日较差一般为10~14℃。年平均降水量为400~600 毫米,但季节和区城差异较大,80%集中在夏季,以东部降雨量最为丰沛。吉林省的平均气压为 1.3674×10Pa。






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