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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-12-22 21:20:41  


摘 要






Thomas School Office Building, Pukou District, Nanjing


The topic of this graduation project is the office building of Thomas School in Pukou District, Nanjing City. This paper mainly studies the structural design and stress of concrete frame, and understands the process of structural calculation and manual calculation, the use of software for structural design and hand-drawn construction drawings.

According to the general plan provided and the layout plan of the standard layer column network, the architectural design is carried out.The basic requirement of comprehensive consideration of building location and architectural design is the functional requirement. According to the functional requirement and the safety performance of building structure, the office building adopts the reinforced concrete frame structure. The seismic fortification of Nanjing is seven degrees, and the selection of structural scheme should consider the seismic requirements. Considering structural security, It is better to adopt more regular structure; and in the building facade effect to meet the characteristics of the office building. Based on the above considerations, the architectural scheme and structural scheme of this design are selected.

This design includes architectural design and structural design two major parts. Architectural design is mainly to determine the architectural scheme, mainly including plane, elevation, section design; structural design is mainly divided into structural scheme layout, load calculation, internal force calculation, internal force combination, each section design, floor design, staircase design and foundation design. The design process is completed by hand calculation, and finally the computer is checked.

Due to limited experience, there are still some problems in the design of flat, vertical and sectional buildings in the design process; the ability of structural calculation is lacking, the design process of epidemic causes is rough, and mistakes in the design are inevitable.I hope you can correct me.

Key words: Architectural design, Structural design, Civil construction, Frame structure, internal force combination, Earthquake resistance


目录 I

摘要 I

Abstract III

一. 已知条件 1

1.工程名称 1

2. 工程概况 1

3.气象资料 2

3.1基本风压 2

3.2基本雪压: 2

4.工程地质资料 2

5.结构和基础的安全等级 2

6. 荷载取值 2

6.1按《建筑结构荷载规范》GB50009-2012采用 2

6.2不上人屋面:活荷载标准值为0.5KN/m2 3

6.3屋面构造: 3

6.4楼面构造: 3

7. 建筑平面图 5

二. 计算简图 13

1. 确定计算简图 13

2. 梁截面尺寸设计 15

2.1横向框架梁截面尺寸 15

2.2纵向框架梁截面尺寸 15

2.2.1横向次梁 15

2.2.2纵向次梁 15

3. 柱截面尺寸确定 15

3.1角柱 16

3.2中柱 16

3.3边柱 16

4. 材料强度等级 17

5. 荷载标准值计算 17

5.1恒荷载标准值计算 17

5.1.1屋面(不上人)荷载标准值 17

5.1.2.楼面荷载标准值 17

5.1.3梁自重 17

5.1.4柱自重 18

5.1.5墙体自重 18

5.1.6门窗荷载标准值 18

5.2活荷载标准值 18

5.2.1屋面楼面标准值由《荷载规范》查得: 18

5.2.2雪荷载标准值: 18

6. 竖向荷载作用计算 19

6.1计算简图(取⑤轴线处一榀框架)(底层柱高3 0.6 0.4=4m) 19

6.2计算 21

6.2.1作用在顶层框架梁上的线荷载标准值为: 21

6.2.2作用在楼面层框架梁上的线荷载标准值为: 21

6.2.3 A、D轴柱集中荷载标准值 21

6.2.4 B、C轴柱集中荷载标准值 21

7. 风荷载计算 22

8. 地震作用 24

8.1建筑物总重力荷载代表值Gi的计算 24

8.1.1集中于屋盖处的质点重力荷载代表值G6 24

8.1.2集中于三、四、五层处的质点重力荷载代表值G 5~G2 24

8.1.3集中于二层处的质点重力荷载标准值G 1 25

8.2地震作用计算 25

8.2.1梁柱线刚度计算见下表, 25

8.2.2柱侧移刚度D值计算 26

8.2.3横向框架自振周期计算 27

8.2.4水平地震影响系数 27

8.2.5利用底部剪力法求各楼层的水平地震作用 27

8.2.6变形验算 29

三、框架内力计算 31

1.计算分配系数 32

2.恒载作用下的框架内力 33

2.1杆件固端弯矩 33

2.1.1横梁固端弯矩: 34

2.1.2纵梁偏心引起柱端附加弯矩:(没有偏心都为零) 35

2.1.3节点不平衡弯矩 35

2.2恒载弯矩分配等表格 36

3.活载作用下的框架内力 42

3.1梁固端弯矩 42

3.2纵梁偏心引起柱端附加弯矩:(没有偏心都为零) 42

3.3本工程考虑如下四种最不利组合: 43

3.4各节点不平衡弯矩: 47

3.5内力计算 47

3.5.1活载(a) 48

3.5.2活载(b) 54

3.5.3活载(c) 60

3.5.4活载(d) 66

4.风荷载作用下的位移和内力计算 73

4.1.层间侧移 75

4.2.顶点侧移 75

5.地震作用下横向框架内力计算 75

5.1 0.5(雪 活)重力荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算 75

5.1.1横梁线荷载计算 75

5.1.2纵梁引起柱端附加弯矩:(没有偏心为零) 76

5.1.3计算简图 76

5.1.4固端弯矩 76

5.1.5不平衡弯矩 77

5.1.6弯矩分配计算(采用迭代法) 77

5.2地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 81

四、内力组合 83

1.弯矩调幅 83

2.一般组合采用三种组合形式即可: 85

五、框架梁柱截面设计 94

1.二层横梁AB左右端剪力、计算如下: 94

2.计算结果 97

2.1梁 97

2.2柱 102

2.2.1对于考虑附加弯矩影响的增大系数的柱子,计算过程如下表 102

2.2.2计算结果 103

六、 楼梯结构设计 118

1. 底层楼梯 119

2.标准层楼梯 119

2.1梯段板计算 119

2.1.2内力计算 120

2.1.3配筋计算 120

2.2休息平台板计算 120

2.2.1荷载计算 120

2.2.2内力计算 121

2.2.3配筋计算 121

2.3梯段梁TL1计算 121

2.3.1荷载计算 121

2.3.2内力计算 121

2.3.3配筋计算 122


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