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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2021-12-21 21:35:52  


摘 要



关键词: 地方政府 城市洪灾 应急管理 国外经验

Experiences of emergency management of urban flood and waterlogging disasters abroad and its enlightenment to China


In recent years, the worsening global climate environment and people's wanton destruction of the earth, so that the world's frequent floods in various places, China's regional heavy rainfall events are increasing, special cities floodised is more common. After the flood disaster, the damage to the city's economy, public security, traffic, etc. is quite serious, some even the damage of destruction, but also the local people's production and lifestyle will have serious interference. At present, the risk warning and prevention of flood relief has been included in government performance as a key index. Moreover, it is of great importance to study the emergency management of flood disasters, to construct the system of local government flood prevention and mitigation, to prevent and eliminate all kinds of crises caused by floods, which is of great significance to the prevention of urban disasters in China.

Using literature research, empirical research and case analysis, this paper discusses the relevant theories of urban flood emergency management, analyzes the current situation and deficiencies of urban flood emergency management in China, and has some problems in the emergency management of urban flood in China, such as the imperfection of urban flood prevention emergency plan, the lack of emergency coordination between relevant organizations, the imperfection of the urban flood prevention emergency system and legal system, the limitation of the right to know about the disaster and the right to emergency information, the serious lack of psychological rescue knowledge and ability to provide insufficient education. This paper draws on the successful experience of flood prevention emergency management in New York, London, Paris, France and other cities, and has enlightenment significance to the emergency management of urban flood prevention in China. These include rational planning and design, improving the level of urban infrastructure, strengthening cooperation and coordination between departments and other organizations, actively mobilizing the role of civil society organizations in disaster prevention and relief, improving flood emergency management capacity, strengthening public education on flood crises, improving flood control in terms of information technology and improving information transparency.

Key words: Local government; Urban flood; Emergency management; Foreign experience


摘 要 I

Abstract II

一、绪论 1

(一)研究目的和意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

(三)研究内容与研究方法 2

二、城市洪涝灾害应急管理的概念与基础理论 4

(一)城市洪灾应急管理相关概念 4

1.城市洪涝灾害 4

2.城市洪涝灾害应急管理 4

(二)应急管理理论 4

三、我国洪涝灾害应急管理现状、影响因素和问题成因 6

(一)我国城市洪涝灾害应急管理现状 6

(二)城市洪涝灾害应急管理的影响因素 6

(三)我国城市洪涝灾害应急管理存在问题及原因 8

1.城市洪涝灾害应急预案有缺陷 9

2.部门之间、部门与其他组织之间的应急协调不够 9

3.城市洪灾应急体制和法制不够健全 10

4.灾情和应急信息的知情权的保障不力 10

5.心理干预与心理救援的缺失 11

6.抗洪防灾知识和能力的宣传教育的薄弱 11

四、国外部分城市洪涝灾害应急管理的经验 12

(一)美国纽约:体系严密、协调合作、应急管理水平强 12

(二)英国伦敦:规划合理、建立预防治理机制 13

(三)法国巴黎:基建水平强、灾害危机教育、非政府组织参与 14

五、域外经验对我国城市洪涝灾害应急管理的启示 16

(一)合理规划设计,提高城市基础设施水平 16

(二)加强部门之间及部门与其他组织之间的合作和协调 16

(三)充分发挥非政府组织在防灾救灾中的作用 16

(四)提升洪涝灾害应急管理水平 17

(五)加强公众洪涝灾害危机教育 18

(六)建立健全洪涝灾害预防与治理信息系统 19

结论 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25





1. 国外研究状况

美国最初的紧急情况是对二战战后国际关系的考虑。美国成立了第一个联邦救灾管理局,以处理政治冲突、政权更迭、战争和其他政治紧急情况。古巴导弹危机以来,美国曾断言,“未来战略可能不再发生,危机管理将与之而来”。Stephen Fick在1986年全面阐述了灾害应急管理每个阶段的内容,如预防、应对、鉴定、隔离和解决,列举了大量的自我案例进行分析,形成了比较体系化的危机管理理论。


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