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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品质量与安全 > 正文


 2021-12-21 21:22:19  


摘 要



关键词: 工厂设计;葡萄酒;工艺流程;物料衡算

Design of a winery with an annual output of 2,000 tons


Wine is a kind of beverage wine fermented with grapes as raw materials. Wine can promote the digestion of the human body, regulate the metabolism of the human body, prevent the increase of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases, and delay aging. In recent years, China's grape production has continued to rise, ranking among the top ten wine producing countries in the world in 2010, and has been ranked first in the world in recent years, and the share of wine in the wine market has also increased year by year. However, China's wine companies are small and scattered, no matter in terms of raw materials, technology, concepts or regulations, there is still a big gap with the international excellent wine producing areas. In recent years, the quality of wine in China has been gradually improved, the products are developing towards high-end, and the product structure is being further optimized.

The design of this winery was carried out under the existing domestic technical conditions and market environment conditions. By studying the characteristics of the products on the domestic market and related process flows, the technology and experience were combined to determine the product plan and calculate the ingredients. Compare, determine the equipment model and personnel, determine the production line, formulate the relevant sanitary regulations, and at the same time draw a CAD drawing of the winery, design an excellent winery with unique quality.

Keywords: Factory design; Wine; Process flow; Material balance

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第一章 文献综述 2

1.1研究背景 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.3研究目的及意义 4

第二章 葡萄酒酿制的操作要点和工厂设计原则以及选址 5

2.1工艺操作要点及注意事项 5

2.1.1 葡萄的除梗破碎 5

2.1.2 浸渍处理 5

2.1.3 葡萄浆的调配 5

2.1.4 主发酵 5

2.1.5 倒罐 5

2.1.6 后发酵 5

2.1.7 葡萄酒的澄清 5

2.1.8 葡萄酒的陈酿 6

2.2工厂设计原则 6

2.2.1工厂设计的内容 6

2.2.2工厂设计原则 6

2.3 厂址选择 6

第三章 葡萄酒酿制的工艺流程、设备选型及物料计算 8

3.1葡萄酒酿制的工艺流程及论证 8

3.1.1葡萄酒酿制生产的工艺流程 8

3.1.2葡萄酒生产的工艺流程论证 8

3.2物料衡算 10

3.2.1产品方案以及班产量确定 10

3.2.2原料衡算 11

3.2.3灌装以及包装材料衡算 12

3.2.4原辅料消耗总结表 12

3.3设备选型 13

3.3.1选型依据 13

3.3.2主要设备选型 13

3.3.3 生产设备选型总结 15

第四章 水、汽、电、冷的用量估值 16

4.1全厂用水估算 16

4.1.1种植灌溉用水 16

4.1.2生产用水 16

4.1.3生活用水 16

4.1.4全厂一年总用水量 16

4.2全厂用汽估算 17

4.3车间用电估算 17

4.3.1动力用电 17

4.3.2车间照明用电 17

4.4车间用冷估算 17

第五章 结论与展望 19

5.1结论 19

5.2展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22


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