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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:22:55  

摘 要





This design is the water supply and drainage design of Building 9 # of Olympic Garden in Yichang. Including the basement, the building has a total of 19 floors and belongs to a class of high-rise buildings with a height of 57.5 meters and a total construction area of 30077 square meters. The basement of the building is a parking lot and equipment room; the 1-4 floors are commercial buildings, including swimming pools, basketball courts, shops, and public baths; the 5th floor is the equipment conversion floor; the 6-18th floors are hotel apartments, and the roof has an elevator machine room. Among them, there is a public toilet on the first and second floors, one on the third floor, two on the fourth floor, and one on the fifth floor. The 6th to 18th floors are hotel apartments, of which there are 17 rooms on each of the 6th to 17th floors, and 15 on the 18th floor. Each room is equipped with a toilet, washbasin, shower and sink. According to the purpose of the building, there are water supply system and drainage system. According to the relevant fire codes, the fire protection system and sprinkler system are designed.

This manual contains three parts: task book, design manual and calculation book.

Key Words:Building water supply and drainage;Hydraulic calculation of pressure flow pipeline;Fire Fighting System;Sprinkler System


目□□录 5

第1章 绪论 7

1.0绪论 7

1.1 设计标题 7

1.2 设计内容 7

1.2.1设计任务 7

1.2.2设计文件及设计资料 8

第2章 设计说明书 9

2.1给水系统 9

2.1.1给水给水系统方式的选择 9

2.1.2管道 9

2.1.3其他设备 10

2.2排水系统 11

2.2.1排水方式的选择 11

2.2.2管道 11

2.2.3其他设备 12

2.3消防系统 12

2.3.1消防系统选择 12

2.3.2消火栓 13

2.3.3管道 13

2.3.4其它设备 14

2.4喷淋系统 15

2.4.1自动喷水灭火系统设计参数 15

2.4.2湿式报警阀 15

2.4.3喷头和管道 15

2.4.4其它设备 16

第3章 设计计算书 17

3.1给水系统 17

3.1.1最高日用水量计算 17

3.1.2地下室生活水箱 17

3.1.3给水管网水力计算 18

3.1.4水泵选择 36

3.1.5给水设计小结 36

3.2排水系统 37

3.2.1排水管道水力计算 37

3.2.2潜污泵计算 52

3.2.3排水设计小结 52

3.3消防系统 53

3.3.1消火栓的布置与配备 53

3.3.2消火栓水力计算 53

3.3.3消火栓系统水力计算 54

3.3.4消火栓系统增压计算 57

3.3.5地下室消防水池计算 58

3.3.6高位消防水箱计算 58

3.3.7消防设计小结 58

3.4自动喷水灭火系统 59

3.4.1设计基本参数 59

3.4.2喷淋系统水力计算 59

3.4.3减压计算 65

3.4.4增压计算 66

3.4.5自喷系统水泵接合器 67

3.4.6喷淋设计小结 67

参考文献 69

致 谢 69

第1章 绪论





1.1 设计标题


1.2 设计内容


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