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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:13:01  

摘 要








In recent years, ship shore power technology has been gradually popularized and applied in major ports in China. At present, the shore power docking operation is mostly in the form of manual operation. The staff need to successively carry out the steps of handling the power connection procedures, dragging the cable to the power connection port, and manual docking. At present, there is no unified standard for shore power docking operation, which greatly increases the difficulty of docking work and greatly affects the docking efficiency. The decrease of efficiency brings about the extension of port time and the increase of berthing cost. In order to improve the efficiency of shore power docking, this paper studies the automatic and accurate docking technology of cable joint and ship power receiving device when the ship is berthed.

First of all, this paper introduces the research purpose and significance of ship shore power automatic docking, and summarizes the current research status of ship shore power system docking technology.

Secondly, based on the investigation and analysis of the existing shore power facilities and shore power connection process, an automatic shore power connection system is proposed. The hardware foundation of the automatic shore power system is introduced, including shore based devices, cable lifting devices, ship borne devices. The shore based devices are mainly composed of incoming switchgear, shore based transformer, shore based inverter, outgoing switchgear and shore power connection box The cable lifting device is composed of cable, cable drum, monocular camera, mechanical arm with rotation and movement ability in a certain range, etc.; the shipboard device is composed of docking guide device, retractable tray, shipboard connecting box and shipboard transformer. At the same time, the paper introduces the influence factors of the automatic shore power docking system, mainly including light, wind, wave and current, tide and other factors.

Then, the paper introduces the docking content and the realization process of the automatic shore power docking system. The docking content is to control the mechanical arm to place the cable joint on the extendable tray of the docking guide device. The main realization process is to improve the image quality through the preliminary processing of the image collected by the camera through the image processing algorithm; then the extendable tray is extracted from the image through the corner extraction algorithm The processing algorithm extracts the corner points and their coordinates of the four vertex positions of the tray from the processed image; then, based on the known corner point coordinates of the tray in the image and the calibrated monocular camera, it calculates the three-dimensional coordinates of the docking guide device tray in the monocular camera coordinate system, and controls the mechanical arm to move to the three-dimensional seat Mark and judge whether it meets the accuracy index. If it meets the requirements, release the cable connector and use the retractable tray to insert the cable connector into the jack of the onboard power connection box to complete the power receiving.

Finally, the theory proposed in the third chapter is simulated, mainly for the image processing algorithm. The verification results show that the image processing algorithm can basically meet the requirements of shore power docking system. At the same time, the docking simulation experiment of the automatic shore power docking system in ROS is carried out. The experimental results show that the automatic shore power docking system can basically achieve shore power docking. At the end of the paper, the author summarizes this paper and looks forward to the next work.

Key Words: Shore-to-ship Power System, monocular vision, pose estimatio


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文主要研究内容 4

第2章 自动化岸电对接系统 6

2.1 自动化岸电对接系统组成 6

2.2 自动化岸电对接系统影响因素 8

2.3 自动化岸电对接系统对接流程 8

2.4 本章小结 10

第3章 基于单目视觉的托盘特征点提取与位姿估计 12

3.1 图像处理 12

3.1.1 托盘图像分类 12

3.1.2 图像处理算法流程 13

3.1.3 图像处理过程 14

3.2 托盘区域的特征点提取 17

3.2.1 感兴趣区域提取 17

3.2.2 托盘角点提取 18

3.3 位姿估计 21

3.3.1 相机标定 21

3.3.2 位姿解算 25

3.4 本章小结 27

第4章 自动化岸电接系统对接实验 28

4.1 托盘提取实验 28

4.2 岸电对接仿真实验 30

4.3 本章小结 32

第5章 总结与展望 33

5.1 论文总结 33

5.2 未来工作展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 35




目前,岸电技术己经成为了各大港口治理污染、节能减排的重点。岸电技术,也被称作冷铁(cold ironing)或可替代海洋动力,其通过从岸边向船舶提供电力,从而使船舶在停泊时避免使用船用柴油机,以减少船舶污染的排放。作为清洁且高效的供电方式,船用岸电技术遵循我国能源战略的发展方向,既有利于推进电能替代的实施,又可以促进节能减排,具有十分良好的环境效益和经济效益。

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