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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:45:23  

摘 要






In recent years, as China's comprehensive national strength has become stronger and stronger, China's car ownership has increased. Along with this is the problem that the parking space construction cannot meet the requirements, and the difficulty of parking is becoming increasingly prominent. Therefore, a kind of automatic AGV for parking lot is proposed to meet the requirements.

This thesis focuses on the global positioning system and the close-range environment perception system in the AGV environment perception system. For the global positioning problem, two different schemes were proposed for the global positioning of AGV. One is to locate the navigation method by detecting the arranged reflective columns with lidar, and analyzes the principle of lidar ranging. And proposed a lidar range matching algorithm and multilateral positioning algorithm. Another solution is to combine two-dimensional code navigation and positioning with the encoder and gyroscope. Aiming at the larger error of monocular visual distance measurement, a method of measuring and positioning by dual two-dimensional codes is proposed to improve the positioning accuracy of two-dimensional codes. It also uses the encoder and gyroscope to perform compound navigation to solve the problem that the AGV movement cannot be scanned to the two-dimensional code. Aiming at the problem of local obstacle detection in AGV, an accurate obstacle detection system consisting of several ultrasonic sensors is proposed. Through the combination of multiple ultrasonic sensors, obstacle detection is realized and the positional relationship of obstacles relative to AGV is obtained. According to the above algorithm, simulation verification is performed on the simulation platform.

The thesis mainly studies AGV environment perception system. A better global positioning method and a close-range environment perception method are proposed and verified by a simulation platform.

Key Words:Environmental perception;Global positioning;Laser navigation;QR code;

Ultrasonic sensor


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及研究意义 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内外停车场用自动搬运AGV现状 2

1.2.2停车场用自动搬运AGV定位导航现状 4

1.2.3停车场用自动搬运AGV近距离环境感知系统现状 5

1.3 本论文的主要研究内容 5

第2章 AGV环境感知系统总体方案设计 7

2.1 AGV环境感知系统简介 7

2.2 AGV全局定位方案设计 7

2.3 AGV近距离环境感知系统方案设计 8

2.4 本章小结 8

第3章 AGV全局定位系统 9

3.1 AGV全局定位系统简介 9

3.2 激光雷达定位系统 9

3.2.1 激光雷达定位简述 9

3.2.2 激光导航传感器选型 10

3.2.3 反光柱的布置 11

3.2.4 坐标转换 12

3.2.5 反光柱距离匹配算法 13

3.2.6 定位算法 15

3.3复合导航定位系统 18

3.3.1 复合导航定位系统简介 18

3.3.2 二维码定位 19

3.3.3 陀螺仪与编码器组合定位 28

3.4 AGV全局定位仿真分析 31

3.4.1 激光雷达定位仿真分析 31

3.4.2 陀螺仪与编码器组合定位仿真 32

3.5 本章小结 33

第4章 AGV近距离环境感知系统 34

4.1 AGV近距离环境感知系统简介 34

4.2 超声波传感器测距原理 34

4.3 传感器选型与位置设计 36

4.4 超声波传感器近距离障碍物定位 37

4.4.1 障碍物定位方法 37

4.4.2 模式选择机制 41

4.5 超声波定位误差分析 41

4.6 本章小结 43

第5章 AGV环境感知系统仿真验证 44

5.1 PreScan仿真平台介绍 44

5.2 系统仿真验证 44

5.3 本章小结 47

第6章 总结与展望 48

6.1 全文总结 48

6.2 课题展望 48

参考文献 49

致谢 51

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景及研究意义


图1.1 中国汽车保有量



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