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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 23:03:33  

摘 要




With the rapid development of inland navigation in China, more and more attention has been paid to the emission pollution of ships. For this reason, the Ministry of environmental protection and the AQSIQ jointly issued the emission limits and measurement methods of marine engine pollutants (the first and second stages in China) to limit the air and water pollution caused by inland river ships. The power system is very important for the normal operation of the ship. It can not only provide sufficient power for ship navigation, but also the main unit of energy consumption. The efficiency of traditional diesel engine driven ships is low under low load conditions, and diesel engine propulsion is not suitable for inland ships with multiple working conditions, large power variation range and high emission requirements [1]. In contrast, the diesel electric hybrid ship can improve fuel efficiency and reduce pollutant emissions while ensuring ship safety and providing power redundancy. On this basis, this paper selects a ferry ship as the research object, and gets the parameters of the ship's power system. Under the condition of keeping the power constant, the power system of the ship's diesel engine propulsion is transformed into a new green diesel electric hybrid propulsion system. The final conclusions are as follows: (1) the new diesel electric hybrid power scheme designed in this paper ensures that the output shaft power is the same as that of the prototype ship. If the fuel tank with proper volume is added, the added mass due to the refitting can be reduced properly in the structural design, the dynamic performance index of the original ship can be maintained after the retrofitting. (2) Compared with the traditional diesel engine propulsion scheme, the diesel electric hybrid scheme has an increase in equipment cost, but because the motor is used as the driving force, the operation cost is greatly reduced. After calculation, the fuel cost saved after 901 days of operation can be amortized to increase the equipment cost. (3) Compared with the traditional diesel engine propulsion scheme, the diesel electric hybrid scheme reduces the emissions of all major pollutants, including NOx emission reduction of about 20%, CO emission reduction of about 20%, HC emission reduction of about 16%, CO2 emission reduction of about 82%, Sox emission reduction of about 59%. It can be seen that the scheme can effectively reduce the

Key words: Ferry ships Green power conceptual design Emission characteristics


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 我国内河航运现状 1

1.1.2 柴油机推进的危害 1

1.1.3 船舶新能源动力技术 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.2.1 船舶混合动力系统研究现状 4

1.2.2 含水乙醇燃料发动机 5

1.3 研究的目的意义 6

1.4 本文主要内容 6

第二章 绿色动力方案设计 8

2.1 原型船介绍 8

2.2 船舶柴电混合动力系统 8

2.2.1系统结构 8

2.2.2工作方式 9

2.3方案设计思路 10

2.4方案的结构图 10

第三章 绿色动力方案中关键设备 11

3.1 性能要求 11

3.2 主机功率与航速的关系 11

3.3 推进柴油机和电动机 12

3.3 含水乙醇燃料发电机组 13

3.4 蓄电池组 13

3.5 结果汇总 14

第四章 方案运行策略和性能比较 15

4.1 运行策略 15

4.2 方案性能分析 16

4.2.1 动力性 16

4.2.2 排放特性 17

4..2.3 经济性 19

第五章 总结与展望 23

5.1 全文总结 23

5.2 方案中的创新 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第一章 绪论


      1. 我国内河航运现状

随着21世纪国民经济的快速发展,内河航运在区域经济关系中扮演着关键的角色。数据显示2010—2017年我国内河船舶运输净载重量年均增长率超过10%, 远远大于沿海和远洋船舶的平均增长率[2]。在水系发达的长江流域城市中,轮渡船舶作为对人们出行方式的一种补充在整个内河航运中占据着重要地位。例如武汉轮渡的年客运量就达1000万人次。而且随着人们生活水平的不断提高,内河船舶还被用作游览船、观光船等其他用途。伴随内河航运规模不断扩大的是其带来的环境污染问题。有研究表明,珠三角地区船舶 SO2、NOx排放分别占非道路移动源排放总量的96.4%、73.8%,且内河航行船舶的贡献率分别为4.1%、11.2%[2]。动力系统作为船舶的核心也是船舶产生污染的主要源头。现阶段我国96% 的内河船舶使用的主推力发动机均是柴油机。轮渡船舶为了满足航程较短、停靠频繁等特点,需要大量机动航行。 在此过程中柴油机严重偏离标定功率的最佳效率点,导致燃烧效率减少、油耗量增加及产生大量有害排放污染物等后果。随着《船舶发动机污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第一、二阶段)》以及《国际防污染公约》等更加排放发规的实施,对于船舶能效和排放提出新的挑战。为了达到排放标准,需要对内河船舶动力方案进行优化,实现绿色船舶的目标。

      1. 柴油机推进的危害



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