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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 23:03:31  

摘 要



“dz_p2r2”、“dr_circle4”与“injectorPos”作为输入数据集,相应的发动机性能参数“ITE”、“ PMAX”、“ DPMAX”与“NOx”作为输出数据集,分别使用线性回归算法、k邻近算法、支持向量回归算法、神经网络回归算法建立算法模型。






In recent years, machine learning technology has been applied in more and more fields. The most remarkable feature of machine learning techniques is the ability to process large volumes of data that machines use to learn and train to predict the results of the same type of data. Machine learning technology has been applied in automobile engines, and the most studied in domestic researches is in engine fault diagnosis. However, machine learning is used in many fields to solve classification problems. For machine learning, there is little research on some parameter design, such as piston profile. This study mainly study the fitting and prediction of the parameter data of piston profile using machine learning technology, use the grid search method to search for the optimal parameters of the support vector regression algorithm and the normalization method to preprocess the data to improve the fitting accuracy, and obtain the machine learning algorithm with the best fitting and prediction results.

1) Using the input parameters of piston profile data "dx_houkou"," dr_circle2 ", "dx_p4", "dr_circle4"," dz_p2r2", and "injectorPos" as the input data set, the corresponding engine performance parameters" ITE ", "PMAX" and "DPMAX" and "NOx" as the output data set. The algorithm models are established respectively by using linear regression algorithm, k neighboring algorithm, support vector regression algorithm and neural network regression algorithm .

2) Find the optimal parameters for the four machine learning algorithm models, and use the Coefficient of Determination and Mean Square Error as the evaluation criteria for the predicted results.

3)The grid search method is used to find the optimal parameters of the support vector regression algorithm, and the results of the four algorithm models are compared and analyzed. The results show that: as the support vector regression algorithm only focuses on the support vectors, it has the least impact on the reduction of fitting accuracy in the case of small sample size. Among the fitting and prediction results of "ITE", "PMAX" and "NOx" in the data set, the support vector regression algorithm is the best. The best result is obtained by using the neural network regression algorithm in the data set "DPMAX".

4) When the support vector regression algorithm is used, the fitting of the data set "DPMAX" has a poor evaluation, which may be attributed to the large difference in the order of magnitude between the input data and the output data in the machine training. After processing the data with the normalized method, the order of magnitude is enlarged to the same size, and the fitting result is significantly improved.

Keyword:piston lines plan;machine learning;grid search method


摘 要 I

Abstract II

1章 绪论 1

1.1课题背景及研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内在发动机领域运用机器学习现状 2

1.2.2 线性回归算法在发动机上的运用 3

1.2.3 神经网络算法在发动机上的运用 3

1.2.4 支持向量回归算法在发动机上的运用 4

1.3 本文研究内容 4

2章 活塞型线及机器学习技术理论与方法 5

2.1 活塞型线 5

2.2 机器学习理论 5

2.2.1 线性回归算法 5

2.2.2 k-邻近算法 6

2.2.3支持向量回归算法 6

2.2.4神经网络 10

2.3 python语言及sklearn模块 12

第3章 活塞型线代理模型的建立 13

3.1 导入数据 13

3.2 线性回归算法模型的建立与结果分析 13

3.2.1模型建立 13

3.2.2 线性回归算法模型拟合结果分析 16

3.3 k邻近算法模型的建立与结果分析 16

3.3.1 模型建立 16

3.3.2 拟合结果分析 18

3.4 支持向量回归算法模型的建立与结果分析 18

3.4.1 模型建立 18

3.4.2 拟合结果分析 23

3.5 神经网络算法模型的建立与拟合结果分析 24

3.5.1 模型建立 24

3.5.2 拟合结果分析 29

4章 模型优化 31

4.1 网格搜索法简介 31

4.2 使用网格搜索法对SVR算法进行参数搜索 31

4.3 通过数据预处理对数据集“DPMAX”算法模型进行改善 33

4.4 算法模型比较与分析 35

5章 总结 38

参考文献 39

致 谢 42

附录A 活塞型线数据 43

附录B 机器学习算法实现代码 46

1章 绪论


根据国家统计局发布的《中华人民共和国2019年国民经济和社会发展统计公报》显示,在2019年年末全国民用汽车保有量26150万辆。而在能源消耗方面, 2012年, 我国石油进口依存度达57%, 而内燃机石油消耗约占全国总消耗量的2/3, 是名副其实的用油大户;环保方面, 内燃机废气污染占我国绝大多数城市非供暖季大气污染的50%以上[1、2]。随着汽车保有量的逐年上升,环境问题与能源问题日趋严重。如何提高汽车的燃油经济性,减少汽车排放是人们愈来愈关注的重点。

优良的汽车发动机燃烧室形状在减少尾气排放、提高燃烧效率方面有着显著影响。气体在燃烧室中燃烧膨胀做功,以此来推动活塞运动,给汽车行驶提供必要的动力。燃烧室形状会影响缸内混合气的形成与燃烧,进而影响发动机性能。合适的燃烧室形状可引导气流运动,加速火焰传播,使燃烧速度加快[3]。据研究表明,带凹坑活塞的蓬形燃烧室要优于传统半球形燃烧室 [4、5]。但是由于带凹坑活塞结构的复杂与不规则,要得到性能良好的结构存在着建模较为复杂以及实验的过程繁琐等困难。而活塞型线是燃烧室的纵剖面的轮廓线,将燃烧室形状的影响因素考虑范围从三维空间降低至二维平面,保留了重要的凹坑结构,减少了计算、模拟的复杂程度。

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