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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:19:47  

摘 要







As a network node of the supply chain, the distribution center integrates warehousing, sorting, distributing and other functions, and plays an important role in the storage and circulation control of goods. The order picking work is an important part within the distribution center, which takes up nearly 60% of the business volume. However, the improvement of the picking efficiency is seriously restricted by the insufficient optimization of the picking route and the mutual influence of multiple pickers. This paper focuses on how to solve the problem of aisle congestion and optimize the picking routes when multiple pickers work at the same time. The main research work is as follows:

(1) Taking single block and rectangular warehouse type as the object, a three-stage planning method is determined. Firstly, the optimal picking distance between two adjacent picking points is calculated. Then, the picking of single order is regarded as the TSP model, and the optimal route of each order is solved. Next, according to the relative position between the picker and the picker channel, the multiple simultaneous picking routes are judged from the time and space to determine the picker blocking, so as to restrict the walking way of pickers. On this basis, a mathematical model is established to minimize the whole picking time as the objective function.

(2) The ant colony algorithm is used to solve the picking route, and a conflict resolution strategy based on priority is designed. Due to the shelves affect the walking direction of pickers, according to the relationship between the goods coding rules and the storage space, a method of calculating the picker distance is proposed. Based on ant colony algorithm, finding the best picking route of each order and obtain the location of each picker, then the blocking can be distinguished thorough conflict condition. In the event of a conflict, the picker leaves the current channel in order of priority according to the different priorities previously set for each picker to resolve the channel blockage. In order to further verify the effectiveness of the pick-routing algorithm and the conflict resolution strategy, comparing with the S-shape algorithm to obtain the picking route optimization scheme which satisfies the shortest picking time.

(3) Design examples to verify the algorithm: set the main parameters of single block, rectangular warehouse, and then the simulation of picking route planning considering channel congestion is completed in the MATLAB software platform. By analyzing the simulation results, it can be concluded that the multi-picker aisle congestion resolution strategy based on ant colony algorithm proposed in this paper is reasonable and effective.

Key Words:aisle congestion;picking routes optimization;Ant Colony algorithm;conflict resolution

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.2.1 拣货作业研究综述 2

1.2.2 通道阻塞研究综述 2

1.2.3 路径算法研究综述 3

1.2.4 文献小结 3

1.3 研究内容 3

1.4 论文框架 4

第2章 拣货作业及其路径规划分析 6

2.1 配送中心概述 6

2.1.1 配送中心及其职能 6

2.1.2 配送中心的作业流程 6

2.1.3 配送中心的布局 7

2.2 拣货作业概述 8

2.2.1 拣选及其作业流程 8

2.2.2 影响拣货效率的因素 9

2.2.3 拣货策略 9

2.3 拣货路径优化理论分析 10

2.3.1 拣货路径问题 10

2.3.2 拣货路径启发式算法 10

2.4 本章小结 12

第3章 考虑通道阻塞的拣货路径规划模型构建 13

3.1 问题描述 13

3.2 模型构建 14

3.2.1 模型假设 14

3.2.2 通道阻塞发生条件 14

3.2.3 建立模型 23

3.3 本章小结 26

第4章 拣货路径优化算法与冲突消解策略设计 27

4.1 拣货路径冲突的产生与消解基本思路 27

4.2 拣货距离的计算方法 27

4.2.1 货品编码规则 27

4.2.2 拣货距离计算 29

4.3 拣货路径规划算法及其应用 30

4.3.1 基于蚁群算法的路径规划 30

4.3.2 基于S型算法的路径规划 32

4.3.3 两种算法的拣货路径对比 33

4.4 通道阻塞的识别与消解策略 34

4.4.1 冲突识别方法 34

4.4.2 冲突消解原则 35

4.5 本章小结 36

第5章 案例分析 37

5.1 案例说明 37

5.2 算法演算与结果分析 37

5.2.1 S型算法时单拣货员与多拣货员作业效率对比 38

5.2.2 蚁群算法时单拣货员与多拣货员作业效率对比 38

5.2.3 多拣货员S型与蚁群算法路径策略效果对比 39

5.3 本章小结 41

第6章 总结与展望 42

6.1 总结 42

6.2 经济性与环保性分析 42

6.3 展望 43

参考文献 44

致 谢 46

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景



拣选路径优化问题指的是在拣货距离或拣选时间要求最短的前提下,拣货员选择何种先后次序遍历拣货清单上待拣选货物的存储位置,并且最终返回到集货点[3]。如果将所有待拣选货物的储位抽象为点,各拣货点之间的行走路径抽象为线,那么该问题就类似于旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP)[4]。但是,拣货路径优化问题不同于一般的旅行商问题,还需考虑配送中心内仓库布局等因素的影响,如拣货路线受到货架的限制。因此,根据拣货清单要求和仓库设施布局确定合适的拣货路径是一项重要的研究方向。同时,作为一个NP难题,拣货路径规划时常用的策略为启发式算法,在优化效果上不太明显,需要进一步提出更加优良的路径策略来解决该问题。

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