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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:18:07  

摘 要





关键词利伐沙班片; 片剂; 车间工艺设计


Thrombotic diseases are a group of diseases of the circulatory system that seriously harm the human body, and are a frequent occurrence of the elderly population. For thrombotic diseases, antithrombotic therapy has become the main treatment method used today. Rivaroxaban has a great benefit to the treatment of thrombotic diseases. Unfortunately, its market price is so expensive that it benefits fewer patients with thrombotic diseases, makes it very important to reduce the cost of drugs’ production.

In this graduation design, through the experience accumulated in the internship experience in the pharmaceutical production workshop of Wuhan Jianmin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and the study of production records, reference is made to "Pharmaceutical Engineering", "Pharmaceutical Preparation", "Pharmaceutical Preparation Engineering" Under the guidance of the tutor, I designed the process design of "1 million tablets of rivaroxaban preparation workshop" in compliance with GMP and "GMP Implementation Guide".

This graduation design uses a reasonable process flow route, completes the calculation of the relevant data, and conducts reasonable equipment selection and workshop layout design. The main contents of this graduation project include: preparation process selection, material and energy balance, equipment selection, job description, staffing, etc. and five drawings including workshop process flow chart, workshop floor layout drawing, pipeline distribution drawing.

This graduation project is a practice that includes the professional knowledge of the pharmaceutical major and the engineering design knowledge of the chemical major. During the design process, the theoretical support and experience of the instructor are obtained. The successful application of this design is to optimize the technological process of rivaroxaban tablets, to improve the research level of antithrombotic drugs in China, to achieve the upgrading of antithrombotic drugs, to get rid of our dependence on such imported products, and to achieve the localization of the drug of great significance .

Keywords: Rivaroxaban tablets; Tablets; Workshop process design


第一章 绪论 1

1.1利伐沙班研究概况 1

1.2处方及处方分析 1

1.2.1生产处方 1

1.2.2处方依据 2

1.2.3处方分析 2

第二章 工艺流程设计 3

2.1生产工艺流程图 3

2.2生产工艺流程 4

2.2.1中间产物-1(亚胺)的制备 4

2.2.2中间产物-2(恶唑烷酮)的制备 5

2.2.3中间产物-3(胺盐酸盐)的制备 5

2.2.4利伐沙班粗品的制备 6

2.2.5利伐沙班粗品精制 6

2.2.6粉碎 7

2.2.7粘合剂配制 7

2.2.8制粒整粒 7

2.2.9总混 7

2.2.10压片 8

2.2.11薄膜包衣 8

2.2.12包装 8

第三章 物料衡算 10

3.1生产任务 10

3.2各工序收率指标 10

3.3原辅料用料计算 11

3.3.1原料药 11

3.3.2制剂 11

3.4各工序物料衡算 12

3.4.1原料药 12

3.4.2包材核算 13

第四章 能量衡算 15

4.1能量衡算的依据 15

4.2 物质的比热容 15

4.3合成中间体-1工艺热量衡算 16

4.3.1 Q1与Q4计算 16

4.3.2 Q3计算 17

4.3.3 Q5计算 17

4.3.4 Q6计算 17

4.3.5 Q2计算 17

4.3.6换热介质用量D 17

4.4合成中间体-2工艺热量衡算 18

4.4.1 Q1与Q4计算 18

4.4.2 Q3计算 18

4.4.3 Q5计算 18

4.4.4 Q6计算 18

4.4.5 Q2计算 19

4.4.6换热介质用量D 19

4.5合成中间体-3工艺热量衡算 19

4.5.1 Q1与Q4计算 19

4.5.2 Q3计算 19

4.5.3 Q5计算 20

4.5.4 Q6计算 20

4.5.5 Q2计算 20

4.5.6换热介质用量D 20

第五章 设备选型 21

5.1 气流粉碎机 21

5.2 搪玻璃反应釜 21

5.3平板式离心机 21

5.4 双层玻璃反应釜 22

5.5粉碎机 22

5.6摇摆式颗粒机 23

5.7湿法混合制粒机 23

5.8沸腾干燥机 24

5.9振动筛 24

5.10 三维运动混合机 25

5.11旋转式压片机 25

5.12高效包衣机 26

5.13 高速辊板泡罩包装机 26

5.14热风循环烘箱 27

5.15低温泵 27

第六章 定岗定员 29

6.1定岗定员原则 29

6.2岗位定员 29

第七章 车间布置设计 30

7.1车间布置依据 30

7.2车间布置设计应考虑的因素 30

致谢 31

参考文献 32





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