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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-11-02 20:51:13  

摘 要





With the progress of science and technology, the appearance of automobile industry is also changing with each passing day. Nowadays, people's demand for automobiles is increasing with the development of quality of life and productivity.For now, Four modernizations (that is, intelligence, lightweight, environmental protection and safety) are the four main directions of automobile development. Driverless technology is a key and hot direction of modern automobile development. Its research is of great significance. It not only contains many key scientific issues such as machinery, computer, human-computer interaction, but also is the product of the integration of many disciplines. It also has an important application prospect and development potential. Its great potential and broad prospect have aroused great social attention. Under the premise of intelligent automobile, braking system, as one of the important parts of automobile, also needs to progress with the trend of the times. Its function is not only to reduce the speed of motor vehicle in motion or to stop, but also to maintain the stability of vehicle speed. It should not only have the function of automatic control of vehicle speed and emergency braking to avoid danger, to meet the requirements of intelligent and safe development of the vehicle, but also have the function of regenerative braking to improve the energy utilization rate and meet the requirements of environmental protection of the vehicle.

In this paper, the design of the braking system of the self driving light electric vehicle is described. Firstly, the parameters of the matched vehicle type are determined, and the braking performance of the vehicle is calculated and analyzed according to the parameters of the vehicle type, so as to determine the design scheme and basic parameters of the parts of the braking system. After the parameters of the parts of the braking system are designed and selected, the braking system is carried out Check to see if the brake matches the vehicle. Through the finite element analysis of some parts, the stress, strain, mode, heating and other analysis results are obtained. According to the analysis results, whether the parts meet the design requirements is judged, and the model parts that do not meet the requirements should be improved properly.

Key Words:Autopilot;Braking system;Disc brake;Finite element analysis


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1自动驾驶制动系统研究目的及意义 1

1.2. 自动驾驶制动系统国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国外自动驾驶制动系统研究现状 2

1.3.2国内自动驾驶制动系统研究现状 3

1.4本文主要设计内容 4

第2章 自动驾驶制动系统设计 6

2.1整车参数 6

2.2自动驾驶制动系统设计方案选择 7

2.3液压执行机构参数设计 8

2.3.1前后车轮制动力分配 9

2.3.2盘式制动器设计 10

2.3.3液压缸尺寸设计 12

2.3.4液压制动驱动机构计算 13

2.4辅助制动系统零部件选型 14

2.4.1液压制动系统零部件选型 14

2.4.2真空助力器选型 18

2.5再生制动力计算 19

2.6本章小结 20

第3章 自动驾驶制动系统设计校验分析 22

3.1汽车制动性能评价指标 22

3.2汽车制动系统制动参数计算 23

3.2.1汽车满载时制动参数计算 23

3.2.2汽车空载时制动参数计算 25

3.2.3驻车制动性能计算 27

3.3.4制动效能计算 27

3.4本章小结 33

第4章 制动系统零部件有限元分析 34

4.1制动系统零部件3D模型建立 34

4.1.1制动盘模型建立 34

4.1.2卡钳模型建立 35

4.1.3制动主缸模型建立 36

4.1.4轮边装配图 37

4.2制动盘有限元分析 38

4.2.1制动盘应力分析 39

4.2.2制动盘模态分析 40

4.2.3制动盘热分析 42

4.3 摩擦片有限元分析 44

4.3.1摩擦片模态分析 45

4.3.2摩擦片热分析 46

4.4整车制动仿真分析 47

4.5本章小结 48

第5章 总结与展望 50

5.1结论 50

5.2展望 50

参考文献 52

致谢 54

附录 55

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