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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2021-10-20 19:21:43  

摘 要






Good trade relations between China and the United States are beneficial to the economic development of both countries, but the trade war initiated unilaterally by the United States has seriously affected the normal development of bilateral economic and trade relations between China and the United States, causing a certain degree of damage to both countries' economies.Studying the Sino-US trade war and finding the corresponding solutions by studying the causes of the Sino-US trade war has become a key issue in stopping or alleviating the Sino-US trade war and maintaining good economic and trade relations between the two countries.

This paper analyzes the shortcomings of China's foreign trade from the perspective of the development course and present situation and reasons of the Sino-US trade war, and gives the corresponding coping strategies. Focus on the analysis of the causes of the Sino-US trade war, first of all, from the superficial reasons, the United States accused the two countries of the serious trade imbalance is the main factor is the real exchange rate of the RMB is undervalued, but also believe that the trade between the two countries in the United States deficit is the most important factor leading to the U.S. unemployment problem. The empirical study of this paper finds that the main factor causing the trade imbalance between the two countries is the difference in the national savings rate between the two countries, and not the U.S. side alleged that the RMB exchange rate is not related. Similarly, the growth of the trade deficit between the two countries is not a factor in the rise in unemployment in the United States. Second, from a deep-seated reason, the United States launched a trade war, mainly for fear that China will threaten the international status of the United States, so want to try to contain China's development.

To deal with this trade war to China's economic-level response strategy, one is to speed up the upgrading of industrial structure, promote technological innovation, and actively promote the "Belt and Road" construction and "Made in China 2025" plan, adhere to the core technology of independent research and development and innovation drive; Second, to expand the demand of China's domestic market, reduce the dependence of China's foreign trade, but also to recognize the importance of consumption, through the adoption of measures to encourage the consumption of Our residents, to achieve the ultimate goal of expanding domestic demand; Third, open up new trade channels, diversify export markets, actively explore important markets such as Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, and avoid over-reliance on the single market to adversely affect China's economic development.

Keywords: Sino-US trade war; theoretical analysis; empirical research

目 录

摘要 III

Abstract IV

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2选题意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 3

1.3研究内容与研究方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 4

第2章 中美贸易战发展历程与现状分析 6

2.1中美贸易战历程 6

2.1.1中美贸易战起步阶段(1979年-1989年) 6

2.1.2中美贸易战发展阶段(1990年-2000年) 7

2.1.3中美贸易战升级阶段(2001年-至今) 9

2.2中美贸易战现状分析 11

2.2.1中美双边贸易现状 11

2.2.2中美贸易战涉及领域不断扩大 12

第3章 中美贸易战的理论分析与模型构建 16

3.1贸易战的理论基础 16

3.2贸易战的理论分析 17

3.2.1贸易战的微观经济理论 17

3.2.2贸易战的宏观经济理论 18

3.3中美贸易战分析模型构建 19

3.3.1模型说明 19

3.3.2变量的数据选取 19

3.3.3模型建立 19

第4章 实证分析 21

4.1中美贸易战表面原因实证分析 21

4.1.1人民币汇率对中美贸易失衡的实证分析 21

4.1.2逆差对美国失业影响的实证分析 24

4.2中美贸易战实际原因分析 26

第5章 我国应对贸易战的对策分析 28

5.1加快产业结构升级,推动技术创新 28

5.2扩大内需,降低对外贸易依存度 28

5.3开辟新的贸易渠道,使出口市场多元化 29

第6章 研究结论与展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论










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