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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-10-18 22:24:45  

摘 要

第1章绪论 3

1.1选题背景、目的与意义 3

1.1.1选题背景和目的 3

1.1.2选题的意义 4

1.2研究现状及综述 4

1.2.1研究现状 4

1.2.2文献综述 5

1.3研究方法和内容 5

1.3.1研究的方法 5

1.3.2全文内容 5

第2章用户协议中限责免责条款现状分析-以腾讯为例 5

2.1用户协议中的限责免责条款 5

2.1.1用户协议与格式合同 5

2.1.2腾讯用户协议限责免责条款分类 7

2.2用户协议中限责免责条款的效力判定 9

2.2.1相关法律解释 9

2.2.2腾讯用户协议中限责免责条款无效条款的分类研究 10

第3章完善互联网用户协议限责免责条款的法律规制建议 12

3.1立法层面的规制建议 12

3.1.1提高相关法律位阶 12

3.1.2细化用户协议格式条款的立法规定 13

3.1.3采用兜底条款和基本原则来认定条款效力 14

3.2非立法层面的规制建议 15

3.2.1通过行政规制加强监督与引导 15

3.2.2加强民间团体和行业自律组织规制 16

参考文献 16

致谢 16

摘 要






With the rapid development of the information industry, a large number of Internet companies have relied on this to launch their own Internet products and services. In order to prevent and resolve potential legal disputes in the service process, each service provider requires users to agree to the user when using their own services protocol. From a legal point of view, the Internet platform user agreement is essentially a format contract, which has advancement, unilaterality, and access to the network service platform. These make the Internet platform user agreement a special format. The contract, and its content prone to restrictions and exemptions from the Internet platform ’s own responsibilities.

If there is a problem with the limitation and exemption clauses in the Internet user agreement, it will inevitably infringe the legal benefits of users who use the service, thereby affecting the user's evaluation of Internet companies and ultimately hindering the continued healthy development of the entire Internet industry.

As one of China's Internet service provider giants, Tencent has a large number of users and a wide range of influence. The services it provides cover almost every aspect of the daily lives of our people. Therefore, the legal effect of the limitation and exemption clause in the user agreement of its user platform has a profound impact on the interests of the general public.

This article studies and discusses its effectiveness and classifies it. Finally, it puts forward regulatory suggestions and usage suggestions for the limitation and exemption clauses in the Internet user agreement, with a view to reaching the standard terms in the network service platform user agreement and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of users To give full play to the positive role of the user agreement of the network service platform.




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