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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-10-17 18:32:14  

摘 要









With the rapid development of virtual reality technology, its application areas have been extended to the medical treatment, education, military, engineering and other aspects. In engineering design and manufacturing, the application of virtual reality technology can overcome the "bottleneck" of money and technology design, and reform production structure and production process of traditional manufacturing. At present, the design and algorithm study related to workshop always stays in the two-dimensional environment, which can't fit in with the production plan of the workshop and scheduling management. Once the workshop layout is changed, workshop production will not be able to run smoothly. Therefore, the establishment of 3 d visualization system about the intelligent workshop, which provide a platform to design and inspect for product development, process improvement and workshop planning, and help planners and decision makers to make forward-looking decision and optimal scheme, has been an important research topic.

In this paper, take the mechanical equipment enterprise in Huanggang as research object. It’s themed by the design of three-dimensional visualization. And study some of the theory and method of key technologies. The main research work is as follows:

(1) Created the model of mechanical equipment, factory building, office facilities and others by rapid modeling method. Studied the theory related to workshop layout and completed the layout of mechanical equipment.

(2) Studied the edge collapse algorithm in LOD technology. With the introduction of edge collapsing cost, such as quadric error metrics, Visual characteristic, the edge collapse algorithm was optimized, solving the problem of important characteristics lost in the process of model simplification. Wrote programs about the edge collapse algorithm, and completed the simplification of scene model in intelligent workshop.

(3) Completed the three-dimensional simulation and virtual roaming on the platform of VS2010 by OpenGL. First of all, summarized the function and principle of OpenGL. Then created the construction of the OpenGL system framework. Studied the reading methods and processes of 3ds model file, including the analysis of the data structure about file blocks, program recursive structure and the data structure of redrawing model. And studied the interactive control and the transformation of viewpoint.

(4) Completed the line balance simulation for the imbalance problem of assembly line beat. Made research about Buffer capacity configuration by genetic algorithm.

Key Words:Virtual reality;Visual design;LOD;OpenGL;Genetic algorithm


摘 要


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2相关技术研究现状及分析 2

1.2.1 虚拟现实技术研究现状 2

1.2.2 LOD技术研究现状 3

1.2.3生产线缓存区配置研究现状 4

1.3主要研究内容及技术路线 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2技术路线 6

第2章 智能车间的布局与建模 7

2.1车间模型的创建 7

2.1.1厂房场景模型的创建 7

2.1.2机床设备模型的创建 8

2.1.3其他设施的建模 9

2.2模型的后处理 9

2.2.1贴图处理与场景布光 9

2.2.2模型的初步简化 10

2.3车间布局 11

2.3.1车间布局的原则 11

2.3.3车间设施布局形式 11

2.3.4车间初始平面布局方案 12

第3章 LOD技术 14

3.1 LOD技术概述 14

3.1.1简化原则 14

3.1.2误差度量 14

3.2边折叠简化算法 14

3.2.1边折叠算法基本原理 14

3.2.2基本的边折叠代价 15

3.2.3二次误差量度 15

3.2.4曲率特征 16

3.2.5模型几何因子 16

3.3简化算法的程序 17

3.3.1算法基本步骤 17

3.3.2简化程序的实现 18

3.3.3模型简化效果实验 20

第4章 OpenGL的三维可视化实现 22

4.1OpenGL的概述 22

4.1.1 OpenGL简介 22

4.2 OpenGL变换 23

4.2.1视点变换 23

4.2.2模型变换 24

4.2.3投影变换 24

4.2.3视口变换 25

4.3 OpenGL系统程序框架 25

4.3.1添加框架代码与文件 25

4.3.2窗口属性设置 26

4.3.3象素格式以及描述表 26

4.3.4消息响应程序 27

4.3.5 OpenGL场景绘制 27

4.4虚拟环境设置 28

4.5智能车间模型的导入 29

4.5.1模型的整理 29

4.5.2 3ds文件的结构 29

4.5.3 智能车间模型的读取 30

4.6系统漫游控制 33

4.6.1键盘控制的设计 33

4.6.2鼠标控制的设计 34

4.7系统渲染设置和效果展示 35

4.7.1初始设置与渲染 35

4.7.2可视化系统运行效果 37

第5章 生产线平衡仿真研究 38

5.1总装线现状 38

5.2 eM-Plant简介 39

5.2.1 eM-Plant概述 39

5.2.2 eM-Plant基本建模对象及功能 39

5.3生产线平衡仿真 40

5.3.1仿真模型的建立 40

5.3.2分析及优化 40

5.4基于遗传算法的容量分配方法 41

5.4.1遗传算法概述 41

5.4.2总装线缓存区分配 42

第6章 总结与展望 45

6.1研究工作总结 45

6.2展望 45

参考文献 46

致谢 48

第1章 绪论





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