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OTB上基于Spectral Angle的遥感影像云影检测毕业论文

 2021-09-29 18:13:58  

摘 要



本文尝试论述OTB上基于Spectral Angle的遥感影像云影检测。Spectral Angle意为高光谱遥感技术,它的定义是在特定光谱域中,采用高光谱分辨率获得实时和连续的地物光谱图像,使得在光谱维上也能进行遥感的空间展开应用,采用定量分析的方法,得到地球表层生物所经历的物理化学过程与有关参数。而光谱角度匹配方法则是在特定的光谱特征下产生的特定的光谱库和特定的高光谱分类方法。其具体内容是将光谱数据视为多维空间的矢量,利用解析方法计算像元光谱与参照光谱之间矢量的夹角[2]

本次论文旨在是在搭建OTB平台,并在此平台上借由高光谱遥感技术实现对高空云影的检测目的。通过本次设计,能使我进一步掌握并熟悉C 编程语言,进一步提高我的动手操作能力和分析解决问题的能力。

关键词:OTB;Spectral Angle;遥感影像;云影检测


Now, in the investigation of the earth's resources and prediction to forecast natural disasters, environmental monitoring, meteorological satellite cloud image and recognition for all aspects of military ground targets, etc., and satellite images of earth's surface objects or things get more and more applications. Obtained by satellite remote sensing satellite images, because the density of the atmosphere, clouds change the image sensor affect larger, many images exist cloudiness "blind spots", result in the loss of local feature information is not conducive to the image analysis and interpretation. How to carry on the cloud shadow detection and determine the coverage are of the area is one of the key technology of remote sensing image processing.

A remote sensing image processing software is OrfeoToolbox (OTB). It is dominated by the French space agency developed open source remote sensing software, fo satellites, such as providing industrial grade data processing services. OTB utilization of remote sensing data processing can in fast access to data processing ability and retained by modifying the possible. Therefore, the OTB is worth vigorously deep research, make full use of the remote sensing software resources.

This paper attempts to OTB is discussed based on spectral angle in the remote sensing image cloud shadow detection.The specific process is the spectral data is regarded as the vector of multidimensional space, the use of analytical method for computing spectral According to the angle between the vector and the reference spectrum, the similarity degree of the spectrum is determined according to the angle of the included angle, so as to achieve the purpose of identifying the object.

This thesis is in the OTB platform, and on this platform by the high-altitude cloud shadow detection by hyperspectral remote sensing technology. Through this design, can make me further understand and are familiar with C programming language, to further improve my hands-on operation ability and analytical ability to solve the problem.

Key Words:OTB;Spectral Angle;Remote-sensing image;Cloud Detection

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1 选题来源 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

第二章 OTB软件简介 4

2.1 OTB产生及发展历史 4

2.2 OTB软件的子系统介绍 4

2.3 OTB软件中的几个关键概念 5

第三章 spectral angle光谱角算法研究 12

3.1 spectral angle光谱角算法简介 12

3.2 光谱角制图模型及误差分析 12

3.2.1经典的光谱角制图模型 12

3.2.2 误差分析 12

3.3光谱角制图的三种改进算法 14

3.3.1光谱角分组计算方法 14

3.3.2光谱角归一化计算方法 15

3.3.3光谱角交叉算法 15

3.4实例分析 16

第四章 在OTB上实现云影检测 18

4.1在Windows环境中搭建OTB平台 18

4.1.1 下载准备 18

4.1.2 构建OTB工程 20

4.2 程序运行结果 31

4.2.1参数输入 31

4.2.2结果展示 32

4.2.3 结果分析及小结 35

第五章 总结与展望 37

5.1 总结 37

5.2展望 37

参 考 文 献 39

附录 40

致 谢 49

第一章 概述

1.1 选题来源


图1.1 2000年6月4日提取的西安秦岭地区的云团和云影

云检测的方法很多,其中,spectral angle是一种利用光谱角的基础方法,值得学习与实现。光谱角制图算法(spectral angle mapper .SAM)是基于光谱曲线整体相似性的一种算法,在高光谱遥感信息分类中应用广泛。光谱角制图算法对整个光谱曲线的相似性进行计算,是一种全局性的描述指标,对具有相似光谱曲线的云团区分较差。本文针对地物光谱的不确定性研究了光谱角制图算法的适用性,并对光谱角制图算法进行了改进,以提高对云影的识别效果。

为了实现利用光谱角制图算法来检测高空中的遥感云影图像,我选择了利用Ofero Toolbox(OTB)这一软件来作为完成这一目标的工具和途径。经过近5年的发展,OTB软件已经成为在遥感的许多领域和操作系统的研究工作中广泛应用的工具库。近年来,OTB和Monteverdi的应用大大拓宽了其受众范围。因此,在此平台上进行云影检测具有科学性和可操作性。

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