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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-09-27 00:09:31  

摘 要




(2)通过进行不同条件因素的试验,对比各个条件因素的结果,可以综合选出不同条件的最佳选择。磨矿细度:-0.074mm占77.80%;脱泥粒度:-0.030mm;浮选:捕收剂用量为1500 g/t、矿浆pH=3.5。



(5)最终选矿流程选择为:磨矿细度(-0.074mm占77.80%)—脱泥粒度(-0.030mm)—浮选(捕收剂用量为1500 g/t、矿浆pH=3.5)的开路试验流程,综合流程有待进一步研究。



The in Gansu Province of andalusite ore purification technology system were experimentally investigated, through comparison of different test conditions to explore the andalusite ore better process flow separation, so as to achieve the purpose of purification of the low-grade fine andalusite ore separation.

Through XRD and XRF test of the andalusite ore, the andalusite ore mainly contains Al2O3 and SiO2. By changing the grinding fineness, removal of mud particle size and flotation conditions and other factors, to explore the best process method of andalusite ore purification.

(1) The andalusite ore containing elements are up to more than 10 kinds, containing the mineral mainly is andalusite and quartz and mica, etc., mainly containing Al2O3 and SiO2 and its content were 22.194% 62.881%.

(2) Through the experiment of different condition factors, comparing the results of each condition, we can choose the best choice of different conditions. The grinding fineness of -0.074mm accounted for 77.80%; size: -0.030mm; desliming flotation, collector dosage is 1500 g/t and the pH=3.5.

(3) In the open circuit test (1), the final concentrate of Al2O3 grade was 46.72%, and the recovery rate of Al2O3 was 35.46%

(4) In the open circuit test (2), the final Al2O3 grade was 52.96%, and the recovery rate of Al2O3 was 10.72%.

(5) Eventually the beneficiation flowsheet selection grinding fineness (-0.074mm 77.80%) - off mud particle size -0.030mm - flotation collector collection agent for 1500 g / T, pulp pH = 3.5) open circuit test, comprehensive process needs further study.

Key words: andalusite; flotation; petroleum sulfonate; purification

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 红柱石简介 1

1.2 世界红柱石的矿产资源 1

1.3 红柱石的应用领域 2

1.4 红柱石选矿工艺流程的选择 3

1.5 我国的红柱石精矿及其技术指标 5

1.6 提纯研究的现状 5

1.7 课题研究的目的和意义 6

第2章 试验研究方法 7

2.1 试验矿样 7

2.2 化学试剂和浮选药剂 7

2.3 仪器和设备 8

2.4 试验研究方法 8

2.4.1 试样成分分析 8

2.4.2 虹吸法脱泥 9

2.4.3 浮选粗选条件试验研究 10

2.4.4 化学多元素分析 11

第3章 红柱石矿选矿试验研究 13

3.1 磨矿条件试验 13

3.1.1 磨矿细度与磨矿时间的关系 13

3.1.2 磨矿细度条件试验 14

3.2 脱泥粒度条件试验 15

3.3 捕收剂用量条件试验 16

3.4 矿浆酸度条件试验 18

3.5 浮选开路试验(一) 19

3.6 浮选开路试验(二) 20

3.7 小结 22

第4章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 红柱石简介



红柱石矿物晶体的结构特点决定了红柱石矿物的性质特点。在密度方面,红柱石的密度为3.10~3.20g/cm3;在硬度方面,红柱石莫氏硬度为7.0~7.5;此外,红柱石矿物转换为莫来石的转变温度是1350~1450℃,其体积膨胀系数是3~5% [2]

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