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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-09-06 07:09:30  

摘 要









本文的特色在于:基于我国独特的农村汽车市场的分析,本文对未来农村汽车市场进行了较全面的设计生产解决方案设计,并且运用三维设计软件Alias和CATIA对基础平台车型进行造型和结构设计。另外,依据科技发展的最新情况,介绍了 3D 打印技术给汽车行业带来了的革新性的发展趋势,同时也为汽车造型开源化生产提供了有力技术支撑。




After the rapid development of the automotive industry period, the overall development of China's automobile industry is in micro-growth phase, but the demand in rural vehicles are far from saturated. Rural market characteristics is different from urban and foreign markets. Therefore, the analysis of the characteristics of the rural market, to explore the future of automotive research for rural production design solution is particularly important.

Automotive design indeed need revolutionary change in the way of generation. Despite from mechanical, computer classes, and specialty materials does not give inspiration to designers to provide a clear framework for future vehicle development mode, but no doubt the development of these disciplines, now has broken the traditional automotive design linear usual trajectory of development.

The design paper is in those contexts, through in-depth study of the Internet, the modular design principles and methods, combined with the automotive industry design development and trends, mainly to solve the coming reconfigurable shared-use mobility Systems design framework and automobile foundation  platform about structural design and car styling. In the design process,the paper mainly uses a multidisciplinary approach, integrate existing theoretical results, form a new blue print framework for future rural automobile market.

The design study is divided into six chapters.

Firstly,introduction to the background, purpose and significance, the research methods used.

Secondly,from point of the current situation in rural automotive market, the product and the user level analysis to explain the characteristics of the current rural auto market.Then introduce the future of Internet-based automotive market trends, laid the basis for the preliminary design of the paper.

Fourthly,through the use of the Internet and the scope of knowledge management field, to build an open-source framework of the overall design scheme, and on this basis, design the concept of the open source network library.

Finally, Based on the Fusion between rural auto market demand and open-source terms, through the use of three-dimensional software, Alias and CATIA, the design of the open-source

platform generate entity models.Then respectively,from the art form level, the level of structural engineering and materials form the basic open-source vehicle framework.

Features of this paper is: Based on our unique rural car market, this article on the future of rural auto market form comprehensive solutions for the design and production design, and use three-dimensional design software, Alias and CATIA shaping basic and structure design. According to the latest scientific and technological development of the situation,article not only introduced 3D printing technology to the automotive industry that will bring a range of trends, but also for the production of automotive open source provide a strong technical support and protection.

Design result shows: a lot of good research design achievements are often the product of interdisciplinary. For the future of rural car market and their car needs,this thesis work according from the inspiration consisting of new materials and application of Internet background,achieve creation.

Key words::Farm vehicle;Car design; Open source

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本文研究的意义 1

1.2研究范围、内容、方法及课题来源 1

1.2.1研究范围 1

1.2.2研究内容 1

1.2.3研究方法 2

1.2.4课题来源 2

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4研究框架 3

第2章 农村地区汽车市场分析调研 5

2.1目前我国农村汽车市场现状 5

2.1.1农村市场调查 5

2.1.2农村市场特点 6

2.1.3农村汽车市场现状分析 6

2.1.4互联网行业发展 8

2.2农村用户调查 8

2.3农村汽车产品调查分析 9

2.3.1纵向农村交通产品调查 10

2.3.2横向汽车产品调查—上汽通用五菱宏光产品分析 10

2.3.3设计产品定位 11

2.4章节总结 11

第3章 农用车平台可重构共享开源框架 13

3.1可重构共享开源机制提出 13

3.1.1开源的定义与特征 13

3.1.2汽车设计开源化思想 13

3.2开源化涉及的相关基本概念 14

3.2.1开源化与模块化的关系 14

3.2.2开源化与个性定制化的关系 14

3.2.3开源化与标准化的关系 15

3.3本文开源化具体应用 16

3.4汽车开源化框架设计原则 18

3.4.1结构拆卸原则 18

3.4.2顾客参与原则 18

3.4.3创新复合原则 18

3.4.4 绿色安全原则 19

3.5开源整体解决方案框架 19

3.5.1可重构硬件基础平台车型 19

3.5.2开源设计销售网络系统 19

3.5.3生产制造组装系统 20

3.6章节总结 20

第4章 开源化整体框架流程方案设计 21

4.1开源化设计框架的层级方法 21

4.1.1设计阶段 21

4.1.2生产制造阶段 22

4.1.3销售售后阶段 22

4.1.4动力系统单元网络方案 22

4.2开源库的建立 24

4.2.1开源部件标准化 25

4.2.2 可开源部件确立 25

4.2.3 开源库经营内容 26

4.2.4保证细分群体需求 27

4.3开源化设计生产方案体系内容 27

4.4 3D打印制造 28

4.5章节总结 30

第5章 开源基础平台实体车型设计 31

5.1汽车产品定位 31

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