2021-07-13 00:49:01
摘 要
关键词: 废旧冰箱,回收处理,工艺流程,经济评价
Unbefitting disposal of the large number of waste household appliances will multiply consumptions of natural resources and aggravate natural environment. So, how to recovery and reuse the waste household appliance cause the people of the world more focuses and so many countries and organizations start a deep research in this field. As a special kind of solid waste, wasted refrigerators have two unique natures. Firstly, there remain materials which have negative impact on environment. The second nature is that wasted refrigerators contain lots of precious raw materials, including steel, copper, plastic, etc. Thus, it is of great practical significance to make research on wasted refrigerators. And this research is an important measure to realize circular economy and construct a conservation-minded society.
A treating process on the waste refrigerator is brought forward. Professional and normative wasted refrigerator processing factories are the effective solution to handle wasted refrigerators, yet the key to build such factories is to have scientific and efficient process flow. This article has done some basic research and explore on the process flow of an annually 200,000 wasted refrigerators processing factory, combining with the knowledge from the course Design of Mineral Processing Factory.
Key words: wasted refrigerators, recycling use, process flow, economic evaluate
20万台/年废旧冰箱回收处理设计 I
摘要 I
Abstract I
第一章 背景介绍 1
1废旧冰箱回收处理的背景和意义 1
1.1国外发展现状及趋势 1
1.2国内研究及现状分析 2
2.1整体工艺流程图 4
2.2手工拆解 4
2.2.1拆分技术的进展 4
2.2.2拆分原则 5
2.2.3手工拆分 6
2.3废旧冰箱破碎处理 6
2.3.1破碎任务: 6
2.3.2破碎比的计算 8
2.3.3破碎筛分流程的计算 9
2.3.4分选流程计算 10
2.4.破碎设备选型 11
2.4.1一级破碎设备选择(预破碎) 11
2.4.2二级破碎设备 13
2.4.3第三段破碎设备 14
2.5分选设备选型 16
2.5.1风力分选设备 16
2.5.2重力分选设备 16
2.5.3涡流分选机选型 17
2.5.4磁选机选型 18
2.5.5旋风分离器 20
2.5.6中央集尘器 20
2.5.7筛分设备 21
2.6手工拆解资源回收 21
2.6.1电路板的回收处理 21
2.6.2氟利昂回收处理 22
2.6.3电源线处理 23
2.6.4 压缩机回收处理 24
2.6.5 聚氨酯回收处理 25
2.6.6 废旧塑料回收处理 25
第三章 企业回收厂房的规划设置 27
3.1废旧冰箱处理企业设置设计的基本原则及要求 27
3.1.1废旧冰箱处理企业设置设计的基本原则 27
3.1.2废旧冰箱处理企业设置设计的要求 27
3.2企业厂房的设置规划 28
3.2.1厂房的平面规划 28
3.2.2厂房车间设置原则 28
3.2.3废旧冰箱处理企业车间设置形式设计 29
第四章 设计方案的经济性分析 31
4.1废旧冰箱处理企业费用效益构成分析 31
4.1.1 废旧冰箱处理企业费用构成分析 31
4.1.2 废旧冰箱处理企业经济效益构成分析 32
4.2 废旧冰箱处理企业费用和经济效益估算 33
4.2.1 废旧冰箱处理企业费用预算 33
4.2.2 废旧冰箱处理企业经济效益估算 35
第五章 总结与展望 37
参考文献 38
致谢 40
第一章 背景介绍
铁 | 铜 | 铝 | 塑料 | 其他 | |
电冰箱 | 49 | 4 | 1 | 43 | 3 |
空调器 | 54 | 18 | 9 | 16 | 3 |
表1.1 电冰箱、空调产品的材料含量