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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 22:48:42  

摘 要











The paper needle for the quality and safety of our eggs, combined with farm status and analysis of laying hens field size and characteristics, proposed the controllability of egg production, the establishment of a poultry farm of quality management system. On the understanding of the quality management system, the core ideas and principles are discussed. From the analysis of consumer concerns about the quality of eggs, to identify the key issues affecting the quality of eggs. The planning and design of the quality management system. Including the quality policy, quality objectives, organizational structure and the allocation of responsibilities and resources. This paper expounds the method of quality control, and studies the management of the key links in the layer. At last, the test operation and control of the quality management system are described in detail. The specific contents of the chapters are as follows:

The first chapter is the introduction, including the introduction of the research object, research background, research significance and research methods and ideas.

The second chapter is the understanding of the quality management system. Including the definition and connotation of quality management system, quality management principles, quality management system content and quality technology.

The third chapter is the planning and control of the quality management system of the layer farms. In this paper, the national standards for eggs and culture, and the construction of the quality policy and objectives, to build the organization and responsibility of the organization and the allocation of resources, resource allocation.

The fourth chapter is the operation and control of the quality management system. Including the operation of the system, audit, the key link control, the key points of control and the control of nonconforming product.

The fifth chapter is the improvement of the quality management system and its effectiveness. Including corrective action, continuous improvement and effect verification.

The sixth chapter is the conclusion.

The research of this paper can help the farms to carry on the quality management, at the same time, it can improve the efficiency of the farm.

Key words: laying hens,quality management system,System planning,System operation, key link management


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究对象 1

1.2研究背景 1

1.3研究意义 2

1.4研究的方法及研究的思路 2

1.4.1 PDCA方法 2

1.4.2 研究的技术方案及措施 3

第2章 质量管理体系 6

2.1 质量管理体系的定义及内涵 6

2.2 质量管理的原则 6

2.3质量管理体系的内容 7

2.4 质量管理体系标准中的质量技术 7

第3章 质量管理体系的策划与设计 9

3.1 领导决策与人员培训 9

3.1.1领导决策 9

3.1.2 人员培训 9

3.2分析鸡蛋的质量问题及其因素 10

3.2.1鸡蛋的质量安全问题 10

3.2.2鸡蛋的保质期 11

3.2.3影响鸡蛋质量的因素 11

3.3制定质量方针与质量目标 11

3.3.1 制定质量方针 11

3.3.2 制定质量目标 12

3.4 组织机构及具体职能 13

3.4.1 组织结构 13

3.4.2 人员结构 13

3.4.3养殖场人员的职责 14

3.5管理与反馈流程 15

3.6资源配置 16

3.6.1人力资源管理 16

3.6.2设施设备管理 16

3.6.3 工作环境管理 17

3.7 质量文件的总体设计 18

3.8 文件库的建立 19

第4章 质量管理体系的运行及控制 20

4.1 体系的试运行 20

4.2 质量体系的内部审核 20

4.3 质量控制 22

4.3.1人员管理制度 23

4.3.2饲料及药品管理 24

4.3.3环境管理 27

4.3.4养殖方法规范管理 28

4.3.5 检测管理 29

4.3.6 保质和售后管理 32

4.4 关键点控制 34

4.5 不合格品的控制 35

第5章 质量管理体系的改进 37

5.1 纠错措施 37

5.2 持续质量改进 38

第6章 结论 39

参考文献 40

致谢 41

第1章 绪论




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