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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-06-30 21:13:48  

摘 要


  1. 对管道完整性管理的概念和原则进行了分析,研究了完整性管理的五个流程,其中关于数据收集以及最后的决策和应急措施进行列表分类和描述,确定了完整性管理实施的可行性。
  2. 对风险评价和完整性评价做出了重点分析,在风险评价中对其各种方法和应用特点予以说明,尤其是在软件制作中应用的专家分析法,对影响其结果的四个因素进行了分类并给出了相关标准;完整性评价整体将其分为检测和评估两部分,检测部分对于内外检测的方法和原理进行了说明,评价部分则是对各种评价方法的功能特点进行重点分析,其中对ECDA和ICDA进行了步骤表述。
  3. 基于组态王建立了管道完整性管理系统,实现了软件开发,在管理体系里增加了实时监测模块,提高了管道数据的丰富性和时效性,按照规范完成了完整性管理数据的收集和分类,风险评价中写入打分规范,完整性评价里实现剩余强度评价,对于所产生和收集的数据,选取了数据库进行存储。



Due to the prosperity and development of natural gas industry, has become a focal point to the safe operation of pipelines, pipeline integrity management as the control risk and detection for ensuring the reliability of the pipeline management mode has been greatly recognized at home and abroad. In this paper, the natural gas pipeline integrity management system, methods and techniques, such as selection of some important part in detail, and according to the research content is based on Kingview software completed the construction of integrity management system. Paper main work and content are as follows:

1. The pipeline integrity management concepts and principles are analyzed, studied the integrity management of five processes, including about data collection and the final decision-making and emergency measures to list classification and description, determine the feasibility of implementation of integrity management.

2. To made the key analysis, risk evaluation and integrity evaluation of the various methods in the risk assessment and application characteristics, especially in the applications of software production expert analysis, on the four factors affect the results of the classification and gives the relevant standards; Integrity evaluation as a whole to be divided into two parts, testing and evaluation, detection part for internal and external detection to illustrate the method and principle, the evaluation part is to analyses focus on the functions and characteristics of the various evaluation methods, the steps of ECDA and ICDA formulated.

(3) Based on configuration the pipeline integrity management system, implement the software development, increases the real-time monitoring module in the management system, improve the richness and timeliness of data the pipe, in accordance with the specification completed the integrity management data collection and classification of risk evaluation grade specification, writes a integrity in the evaluation of residual strength evaluation, for the production and the collected data, select the database for storage.

Key Words:Natural gas pipeline,integrity management, risk assessment, integrity assessment, The development of Kingview

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景、目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 课题研究内容、目标 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究目标 5

第2章 天然气管道的完整性管理概述 6

2.1 管道完整性管理基本理论 6

2.2 管道完整性管理的步骤 7

2.2.1 潜在危害辨识 7

2.2.2 数据的采集、整合及分析 7

2.2.3 管道风险评价 9

2.2.4 完整性评价 11

2.2.5 管道维护决策和应急响应 11

2.3 本章小结 11

第3章 管道风险评价 14

3.1 管道风险定义 14

3.2 管道风险评价流程 14

3.2.1 范围和筛选分析 15

3.2.2 管段危险因素辨识 16

3.2.3 频率估计 16

3.2.4 风险值计算及评估 16

3.2.5 完整性管理方案要求 17

3.3 风险评价方法 18

3.3.1 风险评价方法 18

3.3.2 各种风险评价方法的特点 19

3.3.3 风险评价方法选择原则 19

3.4本章小结 20

第4章 管道完整性评价 21

4.1 管道完整性检测 21

4.1.1 内检测 21

4.1.2 外检测 22

4.2试压评价 24

4.3缺陷适用性评估技术 25

4.3.1 评价方法 25

4.3.2 剩余强度评价 25

4.3.3 剩余寿命预测 27

4.4外腐蚀直接评价法(ECDA) 28

4.5内腐蚀的直接评价方法(ICDA) 29

4.6 本章小结 30

第5章 基于组态软件的完整性管理体系开发 31

5.1 完整性数据管理 31

5.2 管道监测 32

5.2.1 监测系统 32

5.2.2 报警及数据管理 35

5.3 风险评价 36

5.3.1 管道风险因素指数计算 37

5.3.2 泄露冲击指数计算 39

5.3.3 结果 41

5.4 管道完整性评价 41

5.5 本章小结 43

第6章 结论 44

参考文献 45

致 谢 47

附录A 48

第1章 绪论




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