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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2021-06-24 22:56:10  

摘 要








In recent years, with the rapid development of the national economy, the speed of production and construction is more and more fast.Accordingly, our country's production and construction of the material requirements are also higher.However, many production processes and technologies are still relatively backward, resulting in the quality of the material can not keep up with the needs of the construction.Steel wire rope as a common material in the production and construction, the production equipment also need to be improved and updated.In this paper, a basket of rope machine as an example.a new type of control scheme of tension control system is studied, which is important to improve the quality and efficiency of the steel wire rope.

This paper mainly studies the control scheme of the tension control system of basket type wire rope machine based on PLC. Compared with the original planet type strander, The traditional control scheme adopts the air valve control, which needs to use the air valve to control the pressure in real time, and the nylon rope is used as the damping element.Human factors on the impact of the larger, practicality is not high. the design of the project to abandon the traditional air valve control,The friction plate and the chain are used to hold the tension shaft, and the chain is driven by the screw rod,The servo device drives the screw rod to control the tightness of the chain.

The results show that the new control method can realize the automatic control of the process, the controllable range is big, the reliability and practicability are greatly increased. The quality and production efficiency of wire rope are improved effectively.

Paper characteristics: The control system designed in this paper adopts a new control scheme, Composed of three parts, feedback, drive, PID control and touch screen. Feedback use pressure sensor, by the PLC acquisition and participation in operation. The communication of the driving device is CAN bus, while PLC is PROFIBUS, and the intermediate needs to be converted.

This paper introduces the working principle and production technology of planet type strander.The hardware part of the design and hardware selection, software design, PLC program and HMI program design.At last, the paper summarizes and prospects the development direction of the tension control system of the planet type strander.

Key words:planet type strander;tension control;PLC;automation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题提出的背景和意义 1

1.2 课题的国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 2

1.3 本文主要研究内容及结构 3

1.3.1 本文主要研究内容 3

1.3.2 本文结构安排 3

第2章 筐篮式合绳机张力控制系统分析 4

2.1 筐篮式合绳机的工作原理 4

2.2 合绳机张力控制系统分析 5

2.2.1 股张力对钢丝绳的影响 5

2.2.2 张力控制原理 5

2.3 本章小结 6

第3章 筐篮式合绳机张力控制方案设计 7

3.1 系统总体控制方案设计 7

3.1.1 单股张力恒定控制方案设计 7

3.1.2 各股张力匹配控制方案设计 8

3.2 筐篮式合绳机参数确定 9

3.2.1 合绳机筐篮转速计算 9

3.2.2 钢丝绳捻距计算 10

3.3 张力控制PID算法设计 11

3.4 本章小结 12

第4章 系统硬件和软件设计 13

4.1 系统硬件整体设计 13

4.2 硬件选型 15

4.2.1 PLC选型 15

4.2.2 伺服选型 16

4.2.3 触摸屏选型 18

4.2.4 传感器选型 19

4.3 系统硬件电路设计 20

4.3.1 PLCI/O地址分配 20

4.3.2 PLC控制电路设计 22

4.3.3 张力控制电路 23

4.4 系统软件整体设计 24

4.5 PLC和HMI程序设计 25

4.5.1 PLC程序设计 25

4.5.2 HMI程序设计 28

4.5.3 伺服参数设计 31

4.6 本章小结 31

第5章 结论 32

5.1 全文总结 32

5.2 展望 33

参考文献 34

附 录 35

附录A:部分源程序 35

附录B:PLC配置图 44

附录C:控制原理图 45

附录D:系统接线图 46

致 谢 47

第1章 绪论


1.1 课题提出的背景和意义


国内捻制粗钢丝绳需要合绳机的工字轮直径不小于1200mm [2],国内该类合绳机均为筐篮式合绳机。作为钢丝绳生产过程中广泛使用的设备,其重要性不言而喻。但是国内大部分企业的筐篮式合绳机较为落后,自动化程度较低,生产设备长期得不到更新,仅仅只能满足基本的生产工艺要求。面对日益增长的市场需求,即使这些企业想要对筐篮式合绳机进行优化和改进,由于大部分企业的研发能力薄弱,往往也是有心无力。同时,由于生产出来的产品规格较少,已渐渐难以满足庞大的市场需求。研究表明,改进筐篮式合绳机的张力控制系统能够显著提高筐篮式合绳机的性能[3]。因此,对于筐篮式合绳机张力控制系统的改进,提高设备的利用率,充分发挥设备性能,这对整个钢丝绳生产行业具有重要意义。不仅提高了设备工作效率,也会推动行业的发展和进步。


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