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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文

利用X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction, XRD)表征污泥中磷的形态研究毕业论文

 2021-06-08 00:06:18  

摘 要







关键词:XRD分析 絮状污泥 颗粒污泥 磷的形态


With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in the world, the degree of water eutrophication is growing at an alarming rate. Phosphorus is the main limiting factor of water eutrophication,and phosphorus removal is an essential part in the process of wastewater treatment. Therefore, the research of the species and distribution of phosphorus in the sludge contributes to clarify the characteristics and functions of phosphorus in the sludge,and then research on the mechanism of phosphorus removal under the new technology to make the phosphorus removal process further optimized and phosphorus removal efficiency improved. This topic chose granule sludge in the SBR reactor and flocculent sludge from the sewage treatment plant as the research object. XRD(X-ray diffraction) analysis was used to characterize the species of phosphorus in the intracellular and extracellular of the sludge,and then the phosphorus removal mechanism of granular sludge was preliminarily estimated. Main conclusions are as follows:

(1) Phosphorus in flocculent sludge and granule sludge is mainly in the form of phosphate compounds,including inorganic phosphorus (IP) as the main component. Non apatite inorganic phosphorus (NAIP) is the main part of the inorganic phosphorus in flocculent sludge, and apatite inorganic phosphorus (AP) is the main part of the inorganic phosphorus in granular sludge.

(2) The types of phosphate compounds in granular sludge is more than that in flocculent sludge. There are two reasons.The first,owing to the addition of some trace elements in the SBR reactor to maintain the normal metabolism of microorganisms, more phosphate compounds are formed in granular sludge during the process of biological phosphorus removal.The second,the environment of granular sludge in SBR reactor is more stable,which is beneficial to the enrichment of PAOs,so more kinds of phosphate compounds are produced in phosphorus removal process.

(3) The phosphorus forms of granular sludge under different carbon sources conditions have something in common.The phosphorus of granular sludge at the end of the aerobic is mainly in the form of metaphosphate and orthophosphate,while the phosphorus of granular sludge at the end of the anaerobic is mainly in the form of orthophosphate,and there are more kinds of phosphorus compounds in granular sludge at the end of the aerobic.

(4) There is the phenomenon of sludge accumulation in granular sludge, and chemical precipitation is an important way to accumulate phosphorus.In the granulation process, phosphorus in granular sludge combine with large number of metal ions,such as Ca,Fe,Mn,Mg,Al,to form phosphate compounds by chemical or biological effect.And then phosphate compounds as the formation of chemical precipitation deposite in granular sludge.

(5) The extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) in granular sludge have a positive effect on the removal of phosphorus.A part of phosphorus in the system stores in the EPS,which is equivalent to phosphorus storage,by chemical and biological effect.When sludge is discharged, phosphorus in the EPS and excessive intaked phosphorus in the intracellular together with excess sludge discharge,so as to achieve biological phosphorus removal effect.

Key Words:XRD analysis;flocculent sludge;granule sludge;forms of phosphorus


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 XRD技术的简介 1

1.1.1 X射线衍射的发现 1

1.1.2 X射线衍射的基本原理 1

1.1.3 XRD在材料研究中的应用 2

1.1.4 常用的XRD分析软件 3

1.2污泥的组分 3

1.2.1 流动相 3

1.2.2 固相 4

1.3污泥的处理、处置与利用 4

1.3.1污泥处置的原则 4

1.3.2 污泥处置的方法 5

1.4 污泥中P形态分析的研究进展 5

1.4.1 P形态分析的意义 5

1.4.2 磷的形态分类 6

1.4.3污泥中磷的研究现状 6

1.5研究背景、目的及意义 7

1.5.1 研究背景 7

1.5.2 研究目的及意义 7

1.6研究内容和技术路线 8

1.6.1 研究内容 8

1.6.2技术路线 8

第2章 实验材料与方法 9

2.1污泥样品的采集 9

2.1.1污水厂絮状污泥的采集 9

2.1.2好氧颗粒污泥的采集 9

2.2污泥XRD分析样品的预处理方法 10

2.2.1污泥总磷XRD分析样品的预处理 10

2.2.2污泥胞内外磷XRD分析样品的制备 11

2.3 X射线衍射仪及XRD分析软件的使用 11

2.3.1 X射线衍射仪 11

2.3.2 XRD分析软件的使用 12

2.4污泥中总磷的测定 16

第3章试验内容与分析 19

3.1污水厂絮状污泥磷的形态分析 19

3.2 以葡萄糖为碳源的颗粒污泥磷的形态分析 20

3.2.1好氧末颗粒污泥XRD图谱分析 20

3.2.2厌氧末颗粒污泥XRD图谱分析 22

3.3 以乙酸钠为碳源的颗粒污泥磷的形态分析 24

3.3.1 好氧末颗粒污泥XRD图谱分析 24

3.3.2厌氧末颗粒污泥XRD图谱分析 24

3.4 污泥中总磷的测定 25

3.4.1 磷标准曲线 25

3.4.2 污泥中总磷测定 26

3.5不同污泥中磷形态的对比分析 27

3.6 颗粒污泥除磷机理的初步分析 28

3.6.1颗粒污泥积磷现象的推测 28

3.6.2颗粒污泥胞外聚合物(EPS)在生物除磷中的作用 29

第4章 结论与建议 30

4.1结论 30

4.2 建议 30

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 XRD技术的简介

1.1.1 X射线衍射的发现

1985年,德国物理学家琴伦(Wilhelm Röntgen)教授在研究阴极射线时发现了X射线。X射线的发现标志着物理学开启了新的时代,对物理学研究领域乃至各个科学研究领域产生了巨大的影响[1]。X射线德发现者琴伦也因此于1901获得了第一届诺贝尔物理学奖。在琴伦发现X射线以后,许多从事物理研究的学者开始积极地研究和探讨X射线的本质。物理学家巴拉克(CharlesGlover Barkla)在1905年和1909年发现了X射线的偏振现象,但X射线的本质究竟是电磁波还是微粒辐射,当时的物理学者们仍不清楚。

著名物理学家劳厄(M vonLaue)于1912年发现了X射线在晶体中的衍射现象,劳厄认为X射线是一种电磁波并证明了X射线具有波动性。同年,物理学家小布拉格(WL.Bragg)通过大量实验成功地解释了劳厄的实验事实,解释了X射线晶体衍射的形成,并提出来著名的布拉格公式,证实了利用X射线可以获取晶体结构的信息。1913年,老布拉格(WH.Bragg)设计出第一台X射线分光计,并发现了特征X射线并利用X射线分光计成功地测定出NaCl的晶体结构,布拉格这个名字也成为了现代晶体学的代名词。劳厄和布拉格父子也因此分别于1914年和1915年获得诺贝尔物理学奖。

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