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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-05-15 22:27:11  

摘 要







Currently, one of the vital methods to solve the traffic problem at this stage is to use the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), and the Information Collection Technology is used to control and regulation of road traffic. This paper studies the information collection techniques of ITS to accomplish the efficient and accurate real-time road traffic information acquisition. In this paper, the working principle and technical characteristics of ITS information acquisition technology are studies, and the definition of ITS information collection technology in our country is introduced, and the deficiency is analyzed, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures, the findings of the ITS information acquisition technology makes sense to the development of our country in the future.

This paper analyzes five parts. Firstly, it introduces the basic theory of ITS and research significance of this paper. Then it analyzes the research status of ITS acquisition technology. Secondly, it analyzes the current advanced foreign traffic information acquisition system, combined with our national conditions and analyzes spread difficulties of the system to provide reference for the construction of intelligent transportation information acquisition system. Next, the application in our country information acquisition based on ITS technology is analyzed one by one, research the respective scope of application of principle. Then, it analyzes current difficulties which the construction of intelligent transportation systems are facing and put up propose measures for improvement. Finally, I summarize the main content of the full text, and look into the future of development of ITS information acquisition technology.

The results of this study show that: in the context of Chinese current traffic environment, it is urgent to promote the development of new traffic information acquisition technology, and improve the current traffic problems.

The characteristics of this paper is to analyze present situation of traffic information acquisition technology in our country's, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of information acquisition technology, and put forward some suggestions for improvement.

Key Words: ITS;Traffic Information;Information Acquisition Technology

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究的背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.3课题研究的主要任务、内容及重要意义 3

1.3.1课题研究的主要任务 3

1.3.2课题研究的主要内容 4

1.3.3课题研究的重要意义 4

1.4 本章小结 4

第2章 ITS的基本理论 5

2.1 ITS的定义及组成 5

2.2 ITS的国内外研究现状 5

2.3本章小结 6

第3章 国外先进的交通信息采集技术与应用 7

3.1美国的出行及管理系统 7

3.2日本的动态车载导航系统 7

3.3英国的出行信息服务系统 8

3.4本章小结 9

第4章 基于ITS信息采集技术在我国的应用 10

4.1三种常用的ITS信息采集技术 10

4.1.1磁频的信息采集技术 10

4.1.2视频的信息采集技术 13

4.1.3波频的信息采集技术 15

4.2先进的ITS信息采集技术 19

4.2.1射频的信息采集技术 19

4.2.2移动型交通数据采集技术 20

4.2.3基于物联网的交通信息采集技术 22

4.3本章小结 24

第5章 基于ITS信息采集技术存在的问题及解决对策 25

5.1存在的问题 25

5.2解决的对策 25

5.3本章小结 26

第6章 结论与展望 27

6.1主要结论 27

6.2展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第1章 绪论


智能交通系统(Intelligent Transport System, ITS)是在较完善的基础设施(包括道路、港口、机场和通信设备等)之上,将先进的信息技术、数据通讯技术、传感器技术、电子控制技术以及计算机处理技术等有效地集成运用于整个交通运输管理体系,而建立起的一种在大范围、全方位发挥作用的,实时、准确、高效的综合的运输和管理系统[1]。ITS共有六大系统组成:(1)先进的交通管理系统(ATMS);(2)先进的交通信息采集系统(ATIS);(3)先进的车辆控制系统(AVCS);(4)先进的公共交通系统(APTS);(5)先进的商用车辆运行系统(ACVO);(6)先进的电子收费系统[2]。推动ITS的发展是促进21世纪全球交通运输行业快速成长的关键途径,而其最核心的技术之一就是信息采集技术。交通信息采集技术(Traffic Information Acquisition, TIA)是帮助交通管理人员实现对交通状况的掌控,并可以传递检测到的交通信息(如车流量、环境温度、天气等)给驾驶人员,从而实现对交通状况的控制,降低交通意外(如拥堵、事故等)的发生率。由于我国智能交通系统发展的较晚,目前还未能适应我国道路基础设施与汽车的发展速度,因此结合我国实际状况,分析现阶段使用的交通信息采集技术的特点,推动适合我国国情的先进的交通信息采集技术地使用是时代所需。


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