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 2021-05-06 12:21:52  

摘 要



目前人脸识别的算法主要有三种:第一种是基于PCA的特征脸方法,它的基本思想是通过K-L变换对图像进行投影降维,找到图像的主要成分来对人脸进行描述及比对;第二种是基于LDA的Fisher Face方法,它的主要思想是将高维的样本投影到最佳判别向量空间,从而能够有效的提取分类信息、压缩特征空间的维数,在新的子空间形成投影后,类间距离达到了最大和类内距离达到了最小,从而达到最佳的可分离性;第三种是基于局部特征提取的LBP方法,它的主要思想是对图像中的像素点和该点周围像素点进行对比,然后根据对比结果进行求和。


关键词: 人脸识别;Open CV;LBP;嵌入式系统


With the continuous improvement of information technology and the rapid development of safety awareness, the traditional identification methods which can easily be stolen and leaked have been insufficient to meet the needs of society. Biometric authentication has gradually become a hot area of research. Biometric authentication technology is mainly using computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition techniques to identify a person’s identity by physical characteristics or behavioral characteristics of human beings. In a variety of biometric technology, face recognition is more natural and more intuitive. It has many characteristics, such as non-contact, non-mandatory, concurrency and simplicity and so on. So it has attracted many researchers to study it. Nowadays, it has been the hotspot of research and applications in the society. Face Recognition technology, which starting in the late 1960s has formed a relatively mature technology with the joint efforts of scholars from various countries after the development of tree phases. It has been widely used in many fields, such as national security, document verification, information security, personnel attendance and so on.

OpenCV is an open source cross-platform computer vision library that implements many common algorithms for image processing and computer vision. It can be directly applied in many fields, including object recognition, image partition, face recognition, motion tracking, motion analysis, etc., and it can also be used as a secondary development of the ideal tool to achieve the main algorithm of face recognition. MFC is a library provided by Microsoft, which encapsulates the Windows API in the form of a C class. It includes a framework for the application, thereby reducing the workload of the developers at the time of programming. It can be invoked through an object-oriented approach to Windows API, and also can achieve a convenient application development. So this paper uses the MFC framework to implement face recognition system.

Currently there are three face recognition algorithms: The first one is Eigenface method based on PCA, which basic idea is to project and reduce the dimensions of the image by K-L transform, and then find the main component of the image to descript and compare the human faces. The second method is FisherFace which based on LDA, its main idea is to project the high-dimensional sample to the best determine vector space, which can effectively extract classified information, compression dimension feature space. In the new projection subspace, the distance between classes has been reached the maximum and the distance in classes has been reached the minimum, so as to achieve the best reparability. The third method is LBP which based on local feature extraction method, which basic idea is to compare the image pixels and the points around the pixel, and then summing the results based on comparison.

This paper has studied on the three face recognition algorithm, and then used OpenCV to implement LBP which is the most efficient of the three algorithms of face recognition to recognize faces. Then we design a face recognition prototype system using S3C240X chip based on ARM. This paper has realize the functions of training model of face, reading the image that need to be recognized, extracting image and recognizing face. This paper also uses ORL face database system to train and test the system, which has achieved highly effective and accurate recognition. The paper has tested every module of the system and the process of the system. This paper implements a whole face recognition system based on OpenCV.

Keywords: Face Recognition, OpenCV, LBP;Embedded system


摘 要 1

Abstract 3

第1章 绪论 6

1.1目的及意义 6

1.2国内外的研究现状 6

1.3 嵌入式人脸识别系统的介绍 7

1.4设计的基本内容、目标 8

第2章 系统相关技术介绍 10

2.1 OpenCV简介 10

2.2 MFC简介 11

第3章 人脸识别算法 13

3.1特征脸及PCA方法 13

3.2 Fisherface 14

3.2.1 二类问题的线性判别分析 14

3.2.2 多类问题的线性偏判别分析 16

3.3 LBP 18

3.3.1 LBP算法的描述 18

3.3.2基于LBP的人脸识别 20

第4章 系统设计 21

4.1功能设计 21

4.2 模块设计 22

第5章 系统测试 23

5.1 算法测试 23

5.2实验细节 24

5.3功能测试 24

5.4整体测试 26

5.5 实验结果 27

第6章 总结与展望 28

6.1总结 28

6.2展望 28

参考文献 30

致 谢 31

第1章 绪论






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