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 2021-05-06 12:22:06  

摘 要






(4)详细介绍了本文使用的仿真软件OPENT Modeler平台,运用此平台得到了仿真结果并对结果进行了仔细的分析。




With the rapid development of network communication, Network environment is becoming more and more complex, and the requirement to routing protocol is getting higher and higher, traditional distance vector protocols can’t meet such complex network communication, OSPF——A kind of Link State Routing arises at the historic moment. It uses Dijkstra algorithm to achieve the shortest path, greatly improve the efficiency of information exchange in large networks, which has an important guiding significance for the development of network communication.

The main work of this paper is as follows:

(1)The advantages and disadvantages of the OSPF dynamic routing protocol with respect to other IGP protocols are analyzed in detail, and the significance of the research on dynamic routing is described, as well as the research status at home and abroad of OSPF.

(2)The main content of the OSPF protocol is analyzed and explained in detail, and the algorithm used in dynamic routing is analyzed.

(3)The software architecture of dynamic routing and the implementation of OSPF routing algorithm are deeply studied and analyzed.

(4)The simulation software Modeler OPENT platform is introduced in detail, and the simulation results are obtained by using this platform and the results are analyzed carefully.

(5)The advantages and disadvantages of this research are summarized, and the future development of the routing protocol in the future is prospected.

Key Words:Routing protocol; Algorithm; Simulating; Dynamic Routing

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题来源及研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究概况 1

1.3 本文研究的主要内容 2

第2章 OSPF动态路由解析及算法原理 3

2.1 OSPF协议概述 3

2.2 OSPF协议的运行机制 3

2.2.1 OSPF的链路描述 3

2.2.2 邻居发现和DR的选举 4

2.2.3 LSDB的同步 5

2.2.4 区域的划分 6

2.3 OSPF最短路径优先算法 7

2.3.1 迪克斯加算法介绍 8

2.3.2 OSPF协议中迪克斯加算法的使用 10

2.3.3 下一跳和出接口 11

2.4 本章小结 11

第3章 OSPF软件体系架构设计及路由算法实现 12

3.1 OSPF软件体系架构设计 12

3.1.1 OSPF协议模块的划分 12

3.1.2 基本数据结构 14

3.2 OSPF协议路由算法实现 14

3.2.1 路由计算的触发 14

3.2.2 Intra-AS路由计算 15

3.3 本章小结 16

第4章 基于OPNET的OSPF协议仿真 17

4.1 OPNET Modeler仿真平台简介 17

4.2 利用OPNET Modeler对OSPF的建模与仿真 18

4.2.1 建立网络仿真模型 18

4.2.2 配置业务流量和路由仿真属性 19

4.2.3 运行仿真并收集仿真结果 20

4.3 OSPF路由协议与其它协议的仿真对比分析 21

4.3.1 网络拓扑模型 21

4.3.2 仿真结果 23

4.3.3 仿真结果分析 26

4.4 本章小结 26

第5章 结束语 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 29

第1章 绪 论

1.1 课题来源及研究目的与意义



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