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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-04-29 22:32:55  

摘 要




选矿试验研究确定石英砂除铁提纯适宜的工艺流程及条件为:球磨磨矿, -0.147mm~ 0.074mm含量39.87%;一段脱泥,脱泥粒度30μm;一次磁选,脉动转速400r/min、磁场强度1.0T、矿浆流速1.0cm/s;一段浮选,矿浆pH=9、油酸用量248g/t、柴油用量94 g/t;酸浸出质量比H2SO4:HNO3:HF=65:25:10。所得石英砂精矿中SiO2含量99.92%,Fe2O3含量为82.4μg/g。



Quartz sand , as a common nonmetallic mineral raw material in the natural world, was widely used in the industry of building materials and glass manufacturing. Quartz sand usually contain impurities iron minerals, which reduce the transparency of glass, and damage electronic device made by quartz. Purification technology for improving present situation of quartz sand resources in China has an important practical significance and a useful value.

Therefore, study on removal of iron to determined the optimum of quartz placers in Sichuan, through single factor experiments for grinding desliming, magnetic separation, flotation and acid leaching process and conditions.

Process mineralogy research shows that ore SiO2 content was 98.58%, the content of Fe2O3 is 510μg/g. The ore mineral is mainly composed of quartz, the main gangue mineral content mica, hematite, feldspar and iron stained quartz aggregate and so on.

The appropriate technological process and conditions for the purification of quartz sand in iron removal were determined for: grinding -0.147mm~ 0.074mm content 39.87%; desliming size 30μm; magnetic pulse speed 400r/min, 1.0T magnetic field intensity, slurry flow rate 1.0cm/s; flotation pulp pH = 9, the oleic acid dosage 248g/t, diesel oil consumption 94g/t; acid leaching quality ratio is H2SO4:HNO3:HF=65:25:10. The resulting quartz sand concentrate SiO2 content is 99.92%, Fe2O3content is reduced to 82.4μg/g.

Key Words:Quartz sand; iron removal; purification

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1石英矿资源及其分布 1

1.2石英矿中铁杂质的危害 1

1.3国内外石英砂除铁工艺研究现状 2

1.4研究目的、意义及内容 4

1.4.1研究目的及意义 4

1.4.2研究内容 4

第2章 试验及研究方法 4

2.1 试验样品制备、仪器设备和试剂 4

2.1.1样品制备 4

2.1.2主要仪器、设备 4

2.1.3主要试剂 4

2.2 试验研究方法 4

2.2.1选矿试验研究方法 4

2.2.2试验测试方法 4

第3章 工艺矿物学研究 4

3.1原矿的矿物组成 4

3.1.1原矿肉眼特征 4

3.1.2原矿显微镜下特征 4

3.1.3原矿的XRD分析 4

3.2原矿的化学组成 4

3.3小结 4

第4章 石英砂除铁试验研究 4

4.1磨矿和脱泥试验 4

4.1.1磨矿细度试验 4

4.1.2脱泥粒度试验 4

4.2磁选试验 4

4.2.1脉动转速条件试验 4

4.2.2磁场强度条件试验 4

4.2.3矿浆流速条件试验 4

4.3浮选试验 4

4.3.1 试验原则流程 4

4.3.2浮选pH条件试验 4

4.3.3捕收剂用量试验 4

4.3.4辅助捕收剂用量试验 4

4.4 酸浸试验 4

4.5 推荐工艺流程 4

第5章 精矿分析 4

5.1等离子光谱分析 4

5.2精矿筛分分析 4

第6章 结论 4

参考文献 4

致 谢 4

第1章 绪论



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