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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-04-21 22:05:19  

摘 要

大学生方程式赛车大赛(Formula Society of Automotive Engineers,简称FSAE)由国际汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers,简称SAE)于1978年首次举办,是一项面向在校大学生,由大学生团队根据规则要求,设计并制造一款方程式类型的单座小型赛车,并以此参加包含静态项目和动态项目的比赛,目的在于培养大学生综合素质的国际性赛事。中国汽车工程师学会于2010年首次引入该赛事,并于2013年开始增设中国大学生电动方程式大赛,至今已成功举办五年。由于该赛事的赛道较为狭窄,长直道较少,赛车在比赛过程中需要进行频繁的加减速,导致大部分能量在制动过程中以热能形式散失。将制动能量回收系统应用在FSAE电动方程式赛车上,可以有效地提高能量利用率,降低电量消耗,同时也可以在设计阶段,在相同目标行驶里程的情况下可以减少电池组数量,从而实现赛车轻量化设计。因此,制动能量回收系统对于该赛事有着较强的适应性,对于赛事和学生探索赛车发展方向有着重要的实践意义。






关键词: FSAE;MATLAB/Simulink;制动能量回收;并联式混合制动


The Formula Society of Automotive Engineers (FSAE) was first organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in 1978. It is an undergraduate-oriented college student who is designed by the team of university students according to the rules and regulations. And to create an equation type single-seater small-scale racing car, and participate in the competition that includes static projects and dynamic projects, aiming to cultivate the comprehensive quality of the international competition of college students. The Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers introduced the event for the first time in 2010 and began to add the Formula Student Electric China (FSEC) in 2013. It has been successfully held for five years. Due to the relatively narrow track and long straights of the race, the car needs frequent acceleration and deceleration in the course of the race, causing most of the energy to dissipate as heat in the braking process. Applying the braking energy recovery system to the FSAE electric formula car can effectively increase the energy utilization rate and reduce the power consumption. At the same time, in the design stage, the number of battery packs can be reduced in the case of the same target mileage. Lightweight design. Therefore, the braking energy recovery system has a strong adaptability to the event, and has important practical significance for the race and students to explore the development direction of the racing.

In this paper, with the purpose of applying the braking energy recovery system to the FSAE electric formula car, the following research work has been carried out using the WUTE Formula team E5 racing car of the Wuhan University of Technology as an example:

First, according to the basic principle and classification characteristics of the braking energy recovery system, the parallel hybrid braking system and its control strategy are selected as the design direction of this article. Based on the relevant theories of vehicle dynamics, the former rear wheel braking force distribution is the research object. Design control strategies for braking energy recovery systems.

Then, based on the structural characteristics and basic parameters of FSAE electric formula car, vehicle modeling is based on MATLAB/Simulink software, and according to the previously designed braking energy recovery control strategy, the vehicle brake energy recovery controller part is modeled. The braking energy recovery function is implemented in the racing simulation model.

Finally, combined with the characteristics of FSEC, the simulation and analysis of the braking energy recovery system was performed to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the designed braking energy recovery system and its control strategy.

This article mainly focuses on the racing rules, the characteristics of the races and the basic structure of the FSAE pure electric racing car. Since the FSEC starts relatively late, the current

research and application of the brake energy recovery system in domestic events is less, so this article Energy recovery technology plays an important role in the application of related events.

Key words: FSAE; MATLAB/Simulink; Regenerative braking system; Parallel hybrid braking system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的背景与意义 1

1.1.1 电动汽车市场表现 1

1.1.2 中国大学生电动方程式大赛介绍 3

1.1.3 研究意义 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1 制动能量回收系统应用现状 4

1.2.2 制动能量回收系统国外研究现状 4

1.2.3 制动能量回收系统国内研究现状 5

1.2.4 应用于FSAE赛事的制动能量回收系统研究现状 6

1.3 研究的主要内容 7

第2章 制动能量回收系统设计 8

2.1 制动能量回收原理概述 8

2.2 制动能量回收系统分类 8

2.3 制动能量回收系统设计 9

2.3.1 制动受力分析 10

2.3.2 电机制动力分析 13

2.3.3 并联式混合制动系统控制策略 15

2.4 本章小结 17

第3章 基于MATLAB/Simulink的赛车仿真建模 18

3.1 FSAE电动方程式赛车模型搭建 18

3.1.1 车辆动力学模型 19

3.1.2 电池模型 26

3.1.3 电机模型 28

3.1.4 驾驶员模型 30

3.1.5 FSAE电动方程式赛车模型 31

3.2 制动能量回收系统模型搭建 31

3.3 本章小结 33

第4章 基于FSAE电动方程式赛车的制动能量回收系统仿真分析 34

4.1 循环工况分析 34

4.2 制动能量分析 35

4.3 电池耗电量分析 37

4.4 本章小结 38

第5章 主要结论及展望 39

5.1 主要工作及结论 39

5.2 未来展望 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 42

第1章 绪论

    1. 课题研究的背景与意义
      1. 电动汽车市场表现



来自EV-VOLUMES网站[1]的统计结果显示,尽管电动汽车在全球市场仅仅占有 1%的市场份额,但2017年全球插电式汽车交付量达到122.36万辆,比2016年增长了58%,之中,电池动力汽车(Battery Electric vehicle,简称BEV)销量占66%,插电式混合动力车(Plug-in Hybrid Electric vehicle,简称PHEV)销量占34%。如果汽车市场能保持这样的势头,可以预测到 2025年时,电动汽车在全球销量的占比可以达到1/3。

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