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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-04-21 21:47:42  

摘 要








With the spread of cloud computing throughout the world, more and more enterprises and large companies have begun to contact cloud computing and cloud platforms. It can be said that cloud computing and cloud platforms have become a trend of development, and are growing to be paid attention by governments. In the trend of the times, China has gradually begun to attach importance to cloud computing. From the "12th Five-Year plan", we can see that the state attaches importance to cloud computing. Basic on analysing and researching on social apps at home and abroad,this article then raises this app development that focusing on undergraduate students.This app are available for users to log in and register. The users are able to release their own messages and comment other users’ message, besides, the private chat can be engaged in this app among user to user. And the management of dormitory members can be done by this app, too.

However, with the development of cloud computing, more and more places have started to form large data centers, and the energy consumption of data centers is very large. This does not conform to the advocacy of green IT, so it is the most important thing to save energy and reduce energy consumption on the premise of ensuring high efficiency and high performance. Since it is impossible for us to carry out research and experiment on energy consumption in large data centers, just CloudSim provides a platform for scholars to simulate the environment of large data centers. It can carry out experiments and Research on the algorithm on the CloudSim, and bring some solutions to solve the problem of the energy consumption of large data centers. In recent years, experts and scholars both at home and abroad have put forward a lot of their own resource scheduling algorithms, but they have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth studying in this respect.

First of all, we should have a certain understanding of the CloudSim platform, learn the architecture and simulation process of the CloudSim platform, learn and master the method of recompiling the CloudSim source code, understand the key role of the virtual machine allocation, know how the CloudSim platform is how to allocate the virtual machine, and have a certain understanding of the algorithm.

The allocation of virtual machines is the center of the energy consumption of the server and data center, so a good virtual machine allocation algorithm can obviously reduce the energy consumption of the data center. The classical algorithms have first service algorithm, first adaptive algorithm, optimal adaptive algorithm and worst adaptive algorithm, and so on. This paper will discuss the BFD algorithm, that is, the best adaptation algorithm for descending order.

Through the simulation and Simulation on the CloudSim platform, the comparison and analysis of the algorithm with the power instance is carried out, and the performance of the BFD algorithm in the virtual machine allocation strategy is the focus of this paper. In the condition of guaranteeing the performance, the BFD algorithm is used to allocate the virtual machine, which reduces the consumption of analog data center, so as to reduce energy consumption, contribute to the development of green IT industry, and provide reference for the research of virtual machine allocation strategy.

Key Words:cloud computing;cloudsim ;energy consumption;algorithm

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文的研究内容 2

第2章 相关技术概述 3

2.1 开发工具及环境 3

2.1.1 Eclipse 3

2.1.2 CloudSim平台 3

2.2 相关技术介绍 4

2.2.1 CloudSim体系结构 4

2.2.2 CloudSim配置 4

第3章 基于BFD算法的分配策略研究 5

3.1 系统模型 6



3.4 算法描述 7




3.5power类解析 9

3.5.1vmallcationpolicy抽象类 9




第4章 实验分析 10



第5章 总结和展望····································

致 谢 20

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义

云计算(Cloud Computing)是基于互联网的相关服务增加使用和交互,云计算中的云是指网络、互联网的一种说法,通过互联网提供动态易拓展且是虚拟化的资源。现阶段一种广为接受的云计算的定义是:云计算是一种付费使用的模型,它为可配置的计算机资源共享池(包括网络、服务器、存储、服务、应用)提供可用、方便、按需的网络访问,这些资源可以很快的提供,并且易于管理。或者与服务供应商进行很少的交互。

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