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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-04-21 21:30:37  

摘 要





With the advent of new types of power electronic devices and smart power modules, the development of modern control theory and the application of computer technology, AC speed control technologies are changing with each passing day, and new control strategies are constantly emerging, making AC speed control begin to completely replace DC speed control. In the AC speed regulation technology, the frequency conversion speed regulation is considered to be the most promising speed regulation method due to its excellent speed regulation performance, high efficiency, energy saving, and wide application range. The application of PLC in the three-phase asynchronous motor speed control, compared with the traditional relay control, has the advantages of fast control, high reliability, flexibility, and perfect functions. For a long time, PLC has always been in the main battle field of industrial automation control, providing very reliable control applications for a variety of automated control equipment. It can provide safe and reliable and relatively complete solutions for automation control applications, and is suitable for the current industrial enterprises' need for automation.

This paper introduces the PLC-controlled variable frequency speed control system, analyzes the principle of the PLC, briefly explains the basic technology of frequency conversion speed regulation, such as the motor's mechanical characteristics, working principle and control theory under the frequency conversion speed regulation. At the same time, the design of the system hardware and software involved in the VVVF system is also introduced. From the viewpoint of the motor theory, the mechanical characteristics of the VVVF motor were analyzed. In the analysis process, the characteristics and control methods of the frequency converter were fully utilized. Different control methods of the frequency converter were used to achieve different speed control and operation characteristics.

Key Words:Frequency control;PLC;Electric motor;


第1章 绪论 3

1.1 研究目的及意义 3

1.2 国外众多学者对电动机调速系统的研究现状 4

1.3 国内众多学者对电动机调速系统的研究现状 4

1.4 交流调速系统的类型 4

1.4.1 异步电动机调速系统 5

1.4.2 同步电动机调速系统 5

第2章 PLC的运用和发展 6

2.1 PLC的历史和发展 5

2.2 PLC的特点与应用 5

2.3 PLC的工作原理 7

2.4 PLC在电动机调速中的应用 7

第3章 三相异步电动机的结构和调速原理 9

3.1 三相异步电动机的基本结构 9

3.2 基本工作原理 10

3.2.1 旋转磁场的产生 11

3.3 转矩特性与机械特性 12

3.3.1 电磁转矩简称转矩 12

3.3.2机械特性曲线 13

3.4三相异步电动机调速原理 14

第4章 变频器的功能及变频调速的原理 15

4.1 变频器 15

4.1.1 变频器的功能 15

4.1.2变频器的原理 16

4.2变频调速原理 18

第5章 系统主电路和控制线路设计 21

5.1 主电路工作原理 21

5.2 系统主电路参数计算与选择 21

5.2.1 整流二极管模块选择 22

5.2.2 滤波器电容的选择 22

5.2.3 限流电路的参数计算 22

5.2.4 直流回路短路过流保护 23

5.2.5 交流电源侧保护元件参数选择 24

5.2.6 IGBT的选择 24

5.3 系统控制线路设计 25

5.3.1 控制线路所具备的功能 25

5.3.2 Y-Δ降压起动电路 25

5.3.3 电动机正反转控制电路 25

5.3.4能耗制动控制回路 26

5.3.5 系统保护电路 26

5.4 系统电气控制原理图 27

第6章 PLC控制的变频调速系统 29

6.1 PLC型号的选择 29

6.2变频器的选择 29

6.3数字量方式多段速控制 30

6.4 基于PLC的变频调速程序设计 32

结论 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义

现今,电动机的运用的越来越普遍,它的发展和科学技术不断进步有着紧密的关系。1831年,电磁感应定律被提出。科研人员根据电磁感应理论创造了电动机。在十九世纪的中期阶段 ,直流电动机一直是被运用最多的机型。1871年,交流发电机被制造出来。随后,两相式的感应电动机模型也被研发人员推行出来。直到十九世纪末,三相电动机问世。20世纪初问世了各式各样的三相电动机,并伴随着科技进步逐步改革起来。二十世纪后,各种类型的新型电磁材料被推出。电动机的发展朝着大功率、低噪音、无电磁干扰、高效、可靠、环保电动机的方向发展[1]



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