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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-04-14 21:24:28  

摘 要









For a country with a long coastline, the fishery resources must be very abundant. However, due to uncontrolled fisheries in recent years, China’s offshore fisheries resources are scarce, and the development of new fisheries and the development of offshore fishing have become a focus of development. In order to develop offshore fishing, it is necessary to achieve large-scale and advanced fishing vessels, and the development of large-scale trawl vessels in China is backward. In addition, distant-water fishing vessels are different from other sea-going vessels in that they have a higher probability of encountering severe sea conditions. In addition, fishing vessel overturn accidents have occurred frequently in recent years. Therefore, it is very important to study the wave-resistance and stability of fishing vessels.

Through extensive investigations and researches, this article collects information on the subject and obtains ship type data, range of ship parameters, and ship's main scale empirical formulas of some trawler vessels, so as to design the main scale of the large-scale trawler required for this paper, and then use the catia modeling software. Get a mother ship. Through understanding the distribution of fisheries in the world and the major fishery resources, the main active area of the ship and the marine environment of the navigation area are determined, and wave spectrum parameters are provided for the ship's hydrodynamic analysis.

This paper mainly evaluates the wave-resistance and stability of waves of large-scale trawler, calculates the frequency response function in regular waves through hydrodynamic analysis software, and uses spectrum analysis technology to evaluate the wave-resistance of vessels in irregular real seas. The waves are still in the waves of the resilience arm curve to evaluate the stability of the waves, and finally the series of ship models are obtained through the ship type transformation to study the influence of different ship parameters on the wave resistance and stability.

Through the prediction of the wave resistance of large trawlers, it is known that when the waves are sailing and heading for waves, the heave and the roll are small. When the ship is sailing, it should avoid oblique waves as much as possible to avoid a large roll. Calculate the non-dimensional transfer function for sea wave navigation at different speeds, and know that the higher the speed, the heavier the hesitation and pitching response. Comparing the effects of different L/B on the wave resistance of the ship, it is known that L/B has little effect on the heave and pitching when the wave is sailing, and the ship's roll increases as the L/B increases.

The ship sails in the waves. When the speed of the ship is equal to the speed of waves, the ship will follow the waves at this time, and the loss of pure stability will easily occur, resulting in the lack of stability of the ship. It can be seen from the curve of the return arm of the ship that the stability of the ship decreases when the wave height increases. Analyzing the effect of different L/B on the stability of ships with waves, it is concluded that the stability increases with the increase of B/d.

n this paper, when the ship's wave resistance is studied, there are 360° and 8 wave directions, but there are three groups of wave repetitions that appear to be redundant. The analysis of wave-resistance in the presence of speed and head-on is only carried out. Because ships sometimes travel under sloping conditions, it is also necessary to analyze the ship's wave resistance under speed and sloping conditions. When studying the influence of ship parameters on ship's wave resistance and wave stability, only the effect of L/B on the wave resistance and the influence of B/d on the stability of the follow-up wave were analyzed, and the influence of other ship type parameters was not analyzed. This is also a study that can be conducted in the future.

Key Words:trawler;sea keeping;stability;

目 录

绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及目的 1

1.2 拖网渔船概况 2

1.2.1 拖网渔船的简介 2

1.2.2 拖网渔船发展现状 3

1.2.3 拖网渔船的特点 4

1.3 世界渔场简介 5

1.4 渔船耐波性 6

1.4.1 船模实验 6

1.4.2 实船测试 7

1.4.3 理论数值计算方法 7

1.5 第二代完整稳性 8

1.5.1 船舶完整稳性发展历史 8

1.5.2 纯稳性丧失 8

第2章 大型拖网渔船耐波性计算 11

2.1 大型拖网渔船模型建立 11

2.1.1 主尺度选择 11

2.1.2 软件建模 12

2.2 规则波中耐波性计算 15

2.2.1 软件介绍及计算 15

2.2.2 结果分析 17

2.3 不规则波中耐波性预报 25

2.3.1 耐波性预报原理 25

2.3.2 计算与分析 26

2.3.3 特定海况下不规则波耐波性预报 29

第3章 大型拖网渔船随浪稳性评估 31

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