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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-03-29 22:08:45  

摘 要




关键词:消声器; 压力损失; CFD; 模拟仿真


Traffic noise is the main part of environmental noise, so how to prevent and control traffic noise effectively becomes the important work of controlling noise hazard. In the case of diesel engine, installing muffler in exhaust system is an effective means to reduce its running noise, and it is also the most economical and feasible technical measure. Therefore, the research on diesel engine muffler can not only improve the car ride comfort, but also reduce the noise to the human society production practice harm is important.

This paper systematically expounds the harmfulness of noise, the control method and the mechanism of exhaust noise, and establishes the muffler model to simulate the performance of muffler, and studies the influence of the change of muffler structure parameters on the performance indexes of pressure loss and noise reduction. By combining the simulation calculation with the experimental analysis, a new approach is developed for the optimal design of the muffler.

In this paper, a three-dimensional fluid software fluent is calculated as a platform, the pressure loss and the distribution of the internal flow field of the muffler are calculated, and the influence of the structure parameters of the basic anechoic unit on its acoustic performance and aerodynamic performance is discussed. The improved muffler model provided by the factory is numerically simulated, and the wake noise of two kinds of mufflers is tested, then the numerical results of the improved muffler and the test results of the wake tube noise are compared with the original model, and the results show that the improved scheme is effective. Therefore, this paper from the Muffler pressure field, velocity field and temperature field overall consideration, the test and simulation of the two methods combined to verify the original Muffler improvement scheme feasibility.

Key Words: Muffler; pressure loss; CFD; Simulation

第1章 绪论 3

1.1课题研究背景 3

1.2研究排气消声器的意义 4

1.3国内外研究概述 5

1.4课题研究目的和主要内容 7

第2章 车用排气消声器 8

2.1车用排气消声器 8

2.2抗性消声器概述 8

2.3抗性消声器声学性能研究 9

2.3.1消声器声学理论研究 10

2.3.2抗性消声器流体动力学和压力损失研究现状 12

2.4 抗性消声结构对消声器性能的影响 14

2.4.1 结构对扩张式消声器的影响 15

2.4.2 穿孔管消声器分析 16

2.5 本章小结 17

第3章 计算流体动力学基础 18

3.1软件介绍 18

3.1.1 ICEMCFD 18

3.1.2 Fluent 18

3.2 理论简介 18

3.2.1基本流场理论 20

3.3偏微分方程的数值解法 23

3.3.1有限差分法 24

3.3.2有限体积法 24

3.3.3有限元法 24

3.4 本章小结 25

第4章 消声器内部流场分析 26

4.1抗性消声器计算流体动力学求解 26

4.2建立几何模型 26

4.3消声器流场模拟分析 28

4.3.1模型的前处理 28

4.3.2消声器的数值计算 29

4.3.3 计算结果及流场分析 30

4.4 消声器优化建议 35

4.5 本章小结 35

第5章 总结和展望 36

5.1总结 36

5.2展望 36

参考文献 37

致谢 40



第1章 绪论


噪声污染是世界上三大污染公害之一, 对人们的生产和社会生活造成了极大的危害。与空气污染和水污染不同, 噪声污染对人们的影响主要体现在人们的主观感受、情感和心理感受等方面, 但其危害不容忽视, 持续、高强度的噪声对人们的心理和生理方面的影响是不可逆转的。

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