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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 光电信息科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-03-23 22:37:09  

摘 要






The axisymmetric vortex beam has the axisymmetric of the axisymmetric polarized beam, and also has the special characteristics of the vortex beam. This makes the vortex beam in the particle capture, particle rotation and optical tweezers occupy an important position, and other optical areas still exist a large number of potential applications. Therefore, the study of the focusing of the axisymmetric vortex beam has important practical and theoretical significance.

In this paper, the main research is to simulate the intensity distribution of the axisymmetric vortex beam after focusing by uniaxial birefringent crystal. Based on the theory of vector diffraction and the birefringence theory on the axis, the mathematical expression of the posterior field distribution of the axisymmetric vortex beam is deduced. Finally, it is simulated by MATLAB, then we will get the simulation results are divided into angular polarization and radial polarization in different focus area of the intensity distribution of the situation to be analyzed.

The results show that the contrast of the side lobe is higher when the angular polarization is higher than that of the radial polarization in the focusing area x-z, and a dark channel is formed around the optical axis when the topological charge is 2. In the focus area x-y, when the topological charge changes from 1 to 2, the intensity is changed from the central bright spot to the central dark spot.

Key Words: Vortex beam; Axisymmetric polarization; Vector field focus; Uniaxial birefringent crystal

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 涡旋光束的研究历史 1

1.2 轴对称光束的特性 2

1.3 矢量光场的聚焦特性 4

1.4 涡旋光束的应用 4

1.5 涡旋光束的产生 5

1.6 研究目标及内容安排 6

第2章 相关的理论以及公式的建立 8

2.1 理论基础 8

2.2.1 涡旋光束的原理 8

2.2.2 理查德-沃耳夫(Richards -Wolf)矢量衍射理论 9

2.2.3矢量德拜衍射积分理论 12

2.2 数学公式的建立 15

第3章 对相关公式的模拟仿真以及数值分析 19

3.1 x-z平面上的光强分布仿真 19

3.2 x-y平面上的光强分布仿真 20

第4章 结论和展望 23

4.1 工作总结 23

4.2 展望 23

参考文献 25

致谢 27



1.1 涡旋光束的研究历史




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