2021-03-21 22:42:39
摘 要
本文采用熔融法制备PbSe量子点掺杂玻璃,在硅酸盐玻璃原料组成设计中,将PbSe量子点以PbO和ZnSe的方式引入。在PbSe量子点的制备过程中,首先在1320℃/30min下进行基础玻璃的熔制,再通过对玻璃进行热处理,制备得到量子掺杂玻璃。通过改变原料中Se/Pb的比例和热处理制度(520-560℃/10h),来深入研究PbSe量子点光学性能。对量子点玻璃进行吸收光谱和荧光光谱分析,分析吸收峰值波长和荧光峰值波长与热处理温度之间的关系,发现随着热处理温度从520℃升高到560℃,吸收峰波长会从1008 nm移动到1672 nm,荧光峰波长从1130 nm移动到1740 nm,均会出现红移。根据量子点的吸收峰值波长来计算平均粒径,发现随着热处理温度的提高,量子点平均粒径会由3.5 nm-6.6 nm依次增大。在同一热处理温度下,比较不同Se/Pb比例对PbSe量子点光学性能的影响,结果表明在520℃/10h热处理制度下,PbO浓度由0.4mol%升高至0.6mol%,会使得量子点的荧光光谱半高峰波宽由274 nm减小至214 nm。
In this paper, PbSe quantum dots doped with glasses were prepared by melt method. In design of silicate glass raw material, PbSe quantum dot was introduced with PbO and ZnSe to avoid the direct effect of selenium powder. In the preparation of PbSe quantum dots, the base glass was first melted at 1320 ℃ / 30min, and then the glass was heat treated to prepare quantum doping glass. The optical properties of PbSe quantum dots were studied by changing the ratio of Se / Pb in raw materials and the heat treatment system (520-560℃/10h). The relationship between the absorption peak wavelength and the fluorescence peak wavelength and the heat treatment temperature was analyzed by absorbing spectroscopy and fluorescence spectroscopy. It was found that the absorption peak wavelength shifted from 1008 nm to 1672 nm as the heat treatment temperature increased from 520 ° C to 560 ° C, the fluorescence peak wavelength shifted from 1130 nm to 1740 nm, and redshifts occurred. According to the absorption peak wavelength of the quantum dots, the average particle size is calculated. It is found that the average particle size of the quantum dots increases from 3.5 nm to 6.6 nm as the heat treatment temperature increases. At the same heat treatment temperature, the effects of different Se / Pb ratios on the optical properties of PbSe quantum dots were compared. The results showed that the PbO concentration increased from 0.4 mol% to 0.6 mol% at 520 ℃ / 10 h heat treatment system, The half-peak wave width of the fluorescence emission spectrum decreases from 274 nm to 214 nm.
Key words: high temperature melting method; PbSe quantum dots; heat treatment temperature;luminescence
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2半导体量子点的基本概念 1
1.3半导体量子点的特性 2
1.3.1量子点的吸收性能 2
1.3.2量子点的发光性能 2
1.3.3量子点具有光谱频移现象 2
1.3.4量子点具有较高的荧光效率 2
1.3.5量子点的生物相容性好 2
1.4半导体量子点的制备方法 3
1.4.1高温熔融法 3
1.4.2溶胶凝胶法 3
1.4.3化学合成法 4
1.5半导体量子点的应用 4
1.5.1光纤放大器 4
1.5.2量子点太阳能电池 4
1.5.3生物荧光标记 5
1.6 PbSe量子点的研究现状 5
1.7本论文研究内容与意义 6
第2章 实验过程 7
2.1 实验原料 7
2.1.1 PbSe量子点引入方式的选择 7
2.1.2 玻璃的组成成分设计 7
2.1.3实验原料 8
2.2实验仪器 8
2.3基础玻璃的制备 9
2.3.1原料的称量与处理 9
2.3.2高温熔制硅酸盐玻璃 10
2.3.3玻璃试样的成型与退火 10
2.4玻璃中PbSe量子点的制备 10
2.5样品在测试前的处理 10
第3章 分析与讨论 12
3.1 PbSe量子点玻璃的吸收光谱 12
3.2 PbSe量子点玻璃的荧光光谱 14
3.3.玻璃中PbSe量子点的平均粒径 16
3.4 热处理温度对PbSe量子点尺寸的影响 17
3.5 PbO浓度对量子点的影响 17
第4章 结论 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
第1章 绪论
量子点材料有许多种,目前研究较多的有IB-VIIA(CuCla、CuBr、AgBr等)、IIIA-VA(GaAs、InAs等)、VA-VIA、IIB-VIA(CdS、CdSe、CdTe、ZnS等) 和IVA-VIA(PbS、PbSe等)等几大类[3],在众多的量子点种类中,铅的硫族化合物(如PbSe、PbS)的吸收峰波长和荧光峰波长几乎覆盖了近红外波段,具有强光学吸收和荧光辐射特性,在光纤通信和信号放大方面有着非常大的发展潜力,因此受到了人们极大的关注。
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