柠檬酸生产废水处理工艺设计(6000 m3d)毕业论文
2021-03-21 21:24:11
摘 要
本文通过分析柠檬酸生产废水的水质的特点,并根据高浓度有机废水的处理案例,提出了UASB 氧化沟的组合工艺流程。其具体工艺流程为:柠檬酸生产废水首先经过细格栅出去打的悬浮物后进入絮凝池,加药絮凝后通过初沉池除去絮凝产生的悬浮物,在经过UASB和氧化沟除去其中大部分COD、BOD,最终经过二沉池除去悬浮物后将处理后废水排入市政管网。经过该工艺的处理预计可将废水BOD从6780mg/L降至60mg/L以下、COD从11300mg/L降至100~200 mg/L、SS从5355 mg/L降到100mg/L以下,出水符合《柠檬酸工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 19430-2013)标准。
关键词: UASB;氧化沟;柠檬酸生产废水
This design is a preliminary design of a citric acid production wastewater treatment station. Citric acid wastewater pollutants are mainly starch, protein, organic acids, enzymes, fermentation residues, glucose, ammonia and fat and other organic matter, COD in more than 10,000, is a high concentration of organic wastewater.
This citric acid wastewater treatment plant treatment of water is 6000m3 / d, did not consider the long-term development. It is planned to discharge the treated wastewater into the secondary sewage treatment plant and then discharge it to the nearly water .
In this paper, the water quality and water quality of citric acid wastewater were analyzed, and the combination process of UASB oxidation ditch was put forward according to the case of high concentration organic wastewater treatment. The specific process is: citric acid production wastewater first after the fine grille out to play the suspended solids into the flocculation tank, flocculation through the primary settling tank to remove the flocculation of suspended solids, after UASB and oxidation ditch to remove most of them COD, BOD, and finally through the secondary sedimentation tank to remove suspended solids.Through this process, the BOD from 6780mg / L to 60mg / L below,COD of wastewater can be reduced from 11300mg / L to 100 ~ 200mg / L, SS from 5355mg / L down to 100mg / L below the effluent meet the "citric acid Industrial Water Pollutant Discharge Standard "(GB 19430-2013) standard.
This technology of wastewater treatment has many advantages, UASB anaerobic treatment of high concentrations of organic wastewater has a good effect, and after UASB treatment of low concentrations of waste water in the aerobic conditions can be a good removal effect. The combination of simple and compact structure, easy management and operation, reliable processing, less investment. For the citric acid production of waste water treatment provides a feasible way.
Key words: UASB;oxidation ditch;citric acid production wastewater
第1章 绪论 1
第2章 设计说明书 4
2.1 设计概况 4
2.1.1 水量、水质资料 4
2.1.2 建设规模 4
2.1.3 出水水质标准 4
2.2 污水处理站总体布置 4
2.2.1 厂区平面布置 4
2.2.2 管线设置 5
2.2.3 高程布置 5
第3章 设计计算书 6
3.1 格栅 6
3.1.1 设计参数选取 6
3.1.2 设计计算 6
3.2 絮凝池与沉淀池 8
3.2.1 设计参数选取 8
3.2.2 设计计算 9
3.3 UASB反应器 12
3.3.1 设计参数选取 12
3.3.2 设计计算 13
3.4 氧化沟 19
3.4.1 设计参数选取 19
3.4.2 设计计算 19
3.5 二沉池 21
3.5.1 设计参数选取 21
3.5.2 设计计算 21
3.6 其他构筑物 22
3.6.1 配水井 22
3.6.2 集泥井污泥浓缩池 22
3.6.3 污水及污泥构筑物高程计算 24
3.6.4 成本概预算 26
结语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
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