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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2021-03-13 23:50:40  

摘 要


(1) 以海藻酸钠为原料制备出海藻酸钠-巯鸟嘌呤前药,对其结构进行了核磁、红外表征。






Disulfide bonds have a reduction reversibility, that is, mercapto can be oxidized at room temperature to form disulfide bonds, disulfide bonds in the body can be reduced to mercapto.Disulfide cross-linked targeted drug delivery vector has become the focus of attention. In this paper, sodium sulfide was used as raw material to prepare disulfide crosslinked nano-gel, and its related properties were studied.The main work and conclusions are as follows:

  1. Sodium alginate-mercapto guanine prodrug was prepared by sodium alginate as raw material, and its structure was characterized by NMR and IR.
  2. Preparation of disulfide-bonded sodium alginate nano-gel, TEM and DLS were used to characterize the structure, and the reduction response and pH sensitivity of nano-gel were studied. The results of dynamic light scattering show that the prepared nano-gel is stable in aqueous solution containing no reducing substances. In the low concentration (10μM) glutathione solution, the particle size is almost constant; at higher concentration (10 mM) glutathione solution, the particle size becomes larger and the distribution becomes wider. In a lower pH buffer solution, the nanogel particle size is small, while in the higher pH buffer solution, the particle size increases.
  3. studied the release of nano-gel in different environments, analysis of the results and explore its drug release mechanism.

The release of nano-gel drug increases with the increase of the pH value of the medium, but the cumulative release rate is still small. In the buffer solution containing GSH reduction environment, the disulfide bond in the nanogel structure is reduced and promoted Drug release. The increase in sulfhydrylated sodium thymide content of the nanogels resulted in an increase in the disulfide bond in the nanogels, making the nanogel structure more compact and more difficult to release.

Keywords: sodium alginate, disulfide bonds, gels, nanogels


第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 水凝胶的概述 1

1.2 海藻酸钠水凝胶 2

1.2.1 海藻酸钠概述 2

1.3 纳米凝胶 3

1.3.1 二硫键交联的纳米凝胶的概述 3

1.3.2 二硫键交联的纳米凝胶的研究 3

1.4 pH/GSH响应水凝胶 4

1.4.1 pH/GSH响应水凝胶的特点 4

1.4.2 pH/GSH响应纳米水凝胶的特点 4

1.5 本文基本思想及主要研究内容 5

第2章 6-硫鸟嘌呤-海藻酸钠大分子前药的制备及研究 7

2.1引言 7

2.2 实验部分 7

2.2.1 仪器与材料 7

2.2.2 双醛海藻酸钠的制备 8

2.2.3 盐酸羟胺-电位滴定法分析醛基浓度 8

2.2.4 6-硫鸟嘌呤-海藻酸钠大分子前药的制备 8

2.2.5红外分析 8

2.2.6 1H-NMR表征巯基化海藻酸钠前药的结构 9

2.3结果与讨论 9

2.3.1双醛海藻酸钠的制备 9

2.3.2 盐酸羟胺-电位滴定法分析醛基浓度 9

2.3.3 6-硫鸟嘌呤-海藻酸钠大分子前药的制备 10

2.3.4红外谱图分析 11

2.3.5 海藻酸钠前药的1H-NMR表征 12

2.4 结论 13

第3章 二硫键交联的海藻酸钠纳米凝胶的制备及性能研究 14

3.1引言 14

3.2 实验部分 14

3.2.1 仪器与材料 14

3.2.2 纳米凝胶的制备 15

3.2.3 粒径的检测 15

3.2.4纳米凝胶的形态观察 15

3.2.5纳米凝胶的pH敏感性研究 15

3.2.6纳米凝胶在不同内环境的药物释放性能的研究 15

3.3结果与讨论 15

3.3.1纳米凝胶的制备与表征 15

3.3.2粒径的检测 16

3.3.3二硫键交联的纳米凝胶的pH敏感性研究 17

3.3.4不同谷胱甘肽浓度对纳米凝胶药物释放性能的影响 18

3.4 结论 18

第3章 结论 20

参 考 文 献 21

致 谢 24

第1章 绪 论

1.1 水凝胶的概述

  1. 凝胶是聚合物分子相互连接形成的三维网状结构高分子或胶体粒子,结构孔隙充满液体的分散体系称为凝胶。当液体介质为水时则称为水凝胶。水凝胶的亲水性因其结构中有大量-OH、-COOH、-CONH-等亲水集团,这种性质使其含水量可以达到凝胶干重的几十至几百倍。在水凝胶中,水可以使溶于其中的物质或者低分子量物质通过渗透作用从其间扩散而使其具有膜的特性,所以,凝胶中水的特性决定了整个水凝胶传输营养物质和排除细胞代谢产物的能力。聚合物水凝胶的生物相容性都很好,水凝胶大量吸收水分的特性,具有一种流体的性质,和充盈有大量水性液体的机体组织非常相似,大大减小了刺激性。



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