2021-03-12 23:48:05
摘 要
China's construction industry is at an alarming rate of growth and in the stage of transition. At the same time,the rapid development of the industry also drives the transformation and upgrading of traditional construction industries. The assembly building is becoming a hot spot in the construction industry because it conform to the concept of green development.At present,the broken information of industry chain,the unexpanded scale of production and high cost of industrial operation are seriously affected and impeded the development of the assembly building. Therefore, based on the industrial chain, we can use Cloud-BIM, Internet of things, CMIS integration, Industrialization and other theories or technologies to achieve the informationization coordination management of prefabricated building component. It will effectively advance the efficient development of prefabricated assembly industry and further accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.
Based on the analysis of the present situation of the development of assembly buildings at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the advanced experience of foreign countries, analyzes the existing problems in the management of prefabricated building component in China, and points out the importance of collaborative management of prefabricated building materials. After that, this paper studies and analyses the cloud BIM technology, the Internet of Things technology, the CMIS integration theory and the industrialization theory which may be used in the information collaborative platform.Then,the paper analyses if those theories and technologies can be actually used in collaborative management of prefabricated building materials according to the technical or theoretical characteristics.
Through previous theoretical analysis and research, the paper puts up a prefabricated information collaborative management model framework based on the Cloud-BIM and uses Revit, Naviswork and 360 BIMGlue software to build a specific management platform. The four stages of the design, supply, installation and operation of an assembly building lifecycle are divided into four modules. Combined with the situation and characteristics of each stage, this paper presents a specific module function analysis and design,and made a case analysis. Finally, this paper puts forward that the guarantee system of the prefabricated components collaborative management model of the assembly building, which makes sense for the development of the assembled building meaningful for the development of the assembled building.
Key Words:Industrial Chain;Assembly Building;Prefabricated Components;Information Collaborative Management
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容和研究意义 3
1.3.1 研究内容 3
1.3.2 研究意义 3
1.4 研究方法和技术路线 4
1.4.1 研究方法 4
1.4.2 技术路线 4
第2章 国内外装配式建筑预制构件发展现状分析 6
2.1 国外装配式建筑预制构件管理发展现状 6
2.1.1 国外装配式建筑的发展现状 6
2.1.2 国外预制构件的发展现状 9
2.1.3 国外预制构件管理的成功经验分析 11
2.2 国内装配式建筑发展现状 12
2.2.1 我国装配式建筑的发展现状 12
2.2.2 我国装配式建筑产业链的发展现状 13
2.3 我国装配式建筑预制构件的管理现状 14
2.3.1 我国装配式建筑预制构件管理存在的问题分析 14
2.3.2 我国装配式建筑预制构件协同管理的SWOT分析 16
2.4 本章小结 19
第3章 相关技术与理论综述 20
3.1 云BIM技术 20
3.2 产业链 21
3.3 CIMS集成管理 22
3.4 产业化 24
3.5 物联网 25
3.6 本章小结 27
第4章 装配式建筑预制构件信息化协同管理研究 29
4.1 预制构件信息化协同管理模式 29
4.2 预制构件信息化协同设计 34
4.3 预制构件信息化协同供应 38
4.4 预制构件信息化协同安装 40
4.5 预制构件信息化协同运维 43
4.6 案例分析 44
4.6.1 项目背景介绍 44
4.6.2 BIM技术的具体应用 45
4.7 本章小结 51
第5章 预制构件信息化协同管理平台的保障机制 52
5.1 完善的管理体系 52
5.2 成熟的网络基础 53
5.3 先进的技术工具 55
5.4 本章小结 56
第6章 结论与展望 57
6.1 结论 57
6.2 展望 57
致 谢 58
参考文献 59
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景