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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:21:18  

摘 要





With the gradual progress of our country turns into the aging society, the protection of the rights of the guardians has drawn great attention of the society, how to enhance the rights of the guardians, becoming an urgent problem which needs to deal with today. The guardianship system in the General Principles of Civil Law is divided into the guardianship of minors and the guardianship of the mental patients, the limited guardianship scope and the fuzzy guardianship order cause the guardianship system in the general rules could not meet the needs of the social monitoring.

The main content of this paper is to analyze the present situation of General Principles of Civil Law from the perspective of minors' guardianship and adult guardianship, and points out some problems such as limited scope of guardianship and fuzzy order of guardianship.And then through the comparative study of the first draft, the second draft, the third draft and the final draft of the General Rules of the Civil Law , pointing out that compares to the "General Principles of Civil Law", the improvement of General Rules of the Civil Law’s system of guardianship, such as expanding the scope of monitoring, clear monitoring order.After pointing out the progress of the General Rules of the Civil Law, further work is to analyze the limitations, including the lack of guardianship and the imperfect supervision system.Finally, according to the limitations presented above, considering the social status, and learning from foreign advanced legislation, proposing some modifications, such as the establishment of multi-level guardianship system, improving the supervision system.

Key words : General Principles of the Civil Law, General Rules of the Civil Law, Minors guardianship,Adult guardianship

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景 1

1.2 研究的意义和目的 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 1

第2章《民法通则》中监护制度的现状与缺陷 2

2.1《民法通则》中监护制度的现状 2

2.1.1对未成年人的监护 2

2.1.2对丧失或者部分丧失民事行为能力的精神病人的监护 2

2.2《民法通则》中监护制度的缺陷 3

2.2.1对被监护人的范围规定不完全 3

2.2.2对监护人的范围规定不完全 3

2.2.3对监护人的监护顺序规定不明确 3

2.2.4监护种类不完善 3

2.2.5缺少监护监督制度 4

第3章《民法总则》中监护制度的进步与局限 5

3.1《民法总则》中监护制度的进步 5

3.1.1扩大监护范围 5

3.1.2调整监护人的范围 6

3.1.3明确监护顺序 7

3.1.4完善监护种类 7设立遗嘱监护制度 8完善意定监护制度 9

3.1.5增设临时监护制度 10

3.1.6健全监护人资格撤销制度 10

3.2《民法总则》中监护制度的局限 12

3.2.1监护层次不足 12

3.2.2监护资格恢复制度不明确 12

3.2.3监护监督制度不完善 14

第4章《民法总则》监护制度的完善 15

4.1建立多层次的监护制度 15

4.2完善监护资格恢复制度 15

4.3完善监护监督制度,设立意定监护监督制度 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢词 19

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景


1.2 研究的意义和目的


1.3 国内外研究现状

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