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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:21:16  

摘 要




"Chengxian Lian V. Zangshu Lin exclusion of the dispute case" as a communique since the promulgation of the case, caused a lot of controversy. The focus of the dispute is: how to balance the interests of the original owner and the buyer. The conflict between the possession of the original owner and the exercise of the ownership of the buyer is one of the focuses of this paper. The essence of the conflict, that is, the conflict between the static order and the dynamic transaction security, the possession of the original owner, the static order, the buyer's goodwill acquisition is the dynamic transaction security, the static order and the dynamic transaction security are legitimate rights and interests, Worthy of equal protection. However, according to the existing law, when there is a conflict between the two, the buyer's goodwill acquisition that is dynamic transaction security priority to be protected, why priority protection is the focus of this study, but this priority protection has led to a certain value conflict, This conflict is worth exploring further. According to the provisions of the existing law, this article that the case of the final verdict is wrong, the buyer's appeal should be supported, that the interests of the buyer priority to be protected, this is the conclusion drawn from this article, although the conclusion According to the situation in this case, there is a certain degree of irrationality, which may be the so-called value conflict, but the root is still inherent in the legal defects caused.

Key Words:Theory of Real Right Act;change pattern of real right ;Possession of power;Bona fide acquisition;The principle of publicity

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的背景 1

1.2 研究的目的和意义 1

第2章 公报案例简介 2

2.1 基本案情 2

2.2 法院判决 2

2.2.1 一审判决 2

2.2.2二审判决 2

2.3 本案所涉主要问题 3

第3章 请求权基础 4

3.1 排除妨害请求权 4

3.1.1 定义 4

3.1.2 构成要件 4

3.2 返还原物请求权 5

3.2.1 定义 5

3.2.2 构成要件事实分析 5

第4章 本案中所涉两个合同的效力分析 7

4.1 从物权变动的角度分析 7

4.1.1 物权变动模式 7

4.1.2 从物权变动模式分析第一个买卖合同的效力 8

4.1.3 从物权变动模式分析第二个买卖合同的效力 9

4.2 从物权行为模式的角度分析 10

4.2.1 物权行为模式 10

4.2.2 从物权行为理论角度分析第一个买卖合同的效力 11

4.2.3 从物权行为理论角度分析第二个买卖合同的效力 11

第5章 所有权与占有权能问题 12

5.1 占有权能 12

5.2 不动产善意取得制度和公示公信原则 13

结 论 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

第1章 绪论



1.2 研究的目的和意义

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