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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2020-08-20 19:59:51  

摘 要




关键词:产业集群 创新生态链 湖北省汽车产业


The insufficient innovation ability is one of the biggest bottlenecks for the upgrading of industrial clusters in China.Thus ,it is an important way to structune the good innovation ecosystem around perfecting the innovative chain for improving the innovation ability of industrial clusters. From the ecological visual angle ,this dissertation aims at exploring the structure evoluntionaru mechanism and local network governance mechanism of innovative ecosystem of industrial clusters,in order to offer reference to the improvement of innovation ability and govermance ability of industrial clusters.

This paper expounds the purpose and significance of the research, introduces the theory of innovation ecosystem and the research status of industrial cluster at home and abroad, and gives the content and method of the research. Then the industrial cluster theory, ecology theory and innovation system theories, the definition of industrial cluster innovation ecological chain, analysis of automobile industry cluster development in Hubei Province, proposed the construction for the automobile industry cluster in Hubei province innovation ecological chain, analyzes its characteristics and connotation in the foundation and the natural ecological analogy. The construction of Industrial Cluster Innovation Ecosystem of the "double diamond" space structure model, put forward the innovation population according to the function can be divided into population and population population, system innovation of original innovation technology innovation, service innovation, innovative population population. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the innovation ecological chain of Hubei automobile industry cluster, and gives the optimization strategy and governance mechanism of the population structure. Finally, the full text is summarized, and the shortcomings of this paper are put forward.The thesis using the theory of ecology and system innovation theory and method system of Hubei province industry cluster innovation ecological chain structure, evolution mechanism and governance mechanism, the result is useful to improve the automobile industry cluster in Hubei province innovation performance, improve local government cluster governance ability.

KEY WORDS:Industrial cluster, innovation ecology chain,Hubei automobile industry


第一章 绪论 6

1.1研究的目的和意义 6

1.2国内外相关研究综述 7

1.2.1经典的产业集群理论 7

1.2.2 国内研究综述 8

1.2.3创新生态链理论研究综述 8

第二章 湖北省汽车产业集群创新生态链构建的理论基础 10

2.1 汽车产业集群效应 10

2.1.1汽车产业产业链条 10

2.1.2经济相关性强 10

2.1.3 进入壁垒高 11

2.2 创新系统理论 11

2.2.1国家系统创新理论 11

2.2.2区域创新系统理论 12

2.3生态学相关理论 13

2.3.1生态位理论 13

2.3.2生态系统理论 13

2.4小结 14

第三章 湖北省汽车产业集群创新生态链的构建 15

3.1产业集群创新生态链的定义 15

3.2湖北省汽车产业集群现状 15

3.3产业集群创新生态系统的结构设计 16

3.3.1产业集群创新生态系统的空间结构模型 16

3.3.2产业集群创新生态系统的时间结构 20

3.4小结 21

第四章 基于创新生态链对湖北省汽车产业集群的发展策略 22

结束语 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论







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