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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 地理科学类 > 地理信息科学 > 正文


 2020-07-15 21:10:24  

摘 要






关键词:遥感场景 词包模型 SIFT算法 融合词包 场景分类

Research on scene classification of remote sensing image based on

word bag model


The remote sensing scene refers to a complex of all the physical features on the remote sensing image and their interactions. This article classifies the images in the remote sensing scene by constructing a word-package model. In the case of a certain training sample, by improving the combination of different characteristics of the word-package model to increase the classification accuracy, we are committed to a precise, efficient model for the precise classification of remote sensing images. The specific content is as follows:

(1) Constructing single-character lexical package models for different terrestrial objects and comparing the classification accuracy of various single-character lexical package models. The sensitivity of different types of features to different features is not the same, so this article is based on experiments. , reached a certain conclusion.

(2) Discusses the impact of the scale of the clustering word list on the accuracy of the classification results. On the basis of the extraction of the point features, clustering and comparison of the point features with word lists of different scales are used to obtain a certain conclusion.

(3) On the basis of classification of single feature word packages, these word packages were fused in different proportions and a large number of experiments were done. The optimal feature combination ratio for improving the classification accuracy under the feature conditions extracted in this paper was obtained.

In this paper, the classification method of fusion word package model is compared with the accuracy of single-packet model classification results, and good classification accuracy is obtained, which is more suitable for classification and use in remote sensing scenes.

Key Words: remote sensing scene word packet model SIFT algorithm fusion word package scene classification


摘 要 I


目录 Ⅲ

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容和技术路线 3

第二章 遥感影像词包模型构建 5

2.1 数据准备 5

2.2彩色图像转灰度图 6

2.3 SIFT特征点 7

2.3.1 SIFT特性 7

2.3.2 SIFT原理 8

2.3.3 特征点提取 15

2.4 直线特征 16

2.4.1 Canny算法 17

2.4.2 Hough变换 19

2.4.3 峰值选择 19

2.4.4 直线的提取 20

2.5 点和直线特征的描述 22

2.5.1 点特征的描述 22

2.5.2 直线特征的描述 22

2.6 特征值的k-means 聚类 23

2.6.1 K-means算法原理 23

2.6.2 K-means 算法原理 24

2.6.3 不同特征的聚类 24

2.7 词包模型 26

2.7.1词包模型原理 26

2.7.2词包模型的生成 28

2.7 本章小结 30

第三章 基于词包模型的遥感场景分类 31

3.1 SVM分类器原理 31

3.2 SVM分类器的运用与实践 31

3.3 实验结果及分析 32

3.3.1 不同K值的SIFT特征点分类结果分析 32

3.3.2 直线长度和角度分类结果分析 33

3.3.3 混合词包分类结果分析 34

3.4 本章小结 35

第四章 总结与展望 37

4.1 总结 37

4.2 展望 37

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第一章 引言



伴随着遥感技术的发展,遥感数据的采集更新速度越来越快,例如,最新的陆地卫星全面拍摄地球一遍只需要16天, Meteosat卫星每半小时就能更新一次目标区域的遥感影像。更新频率越来越快,采集范围越来越大的同时,随之而来问题就是如何对这些遥感数据进行快速高效分类处理的问题。在遥感技术发展早期,单凭目视解译的分类处理方式已然不再适用,我们需要一种快速、准确、高效的算法,通过计算机来完成对遥感图像的分类工作。



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