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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2020-07-09 20:40:11  

摘 要

随着老年人口的比重增加,独居老人的人数也逐年增多,如果独居老人意外跌倒得不到及时的救助,可能会造成严重的后果。因此,对老人跌倒行为的自动识别有着极为重要的意义。传统的跌倒行为识别方法需要人工设计特征提取方法, 且人工设计的特征往往针对某一具体数据集训练而成,很难泛化到其他数据集。卷积神经网络在图像特征提取上取得了卓著成就,可以无监督地从数据中学习到特征。本文采用3D卷积神经网络进行视频流跌倒行为进行识别。3D卷积网络可以在空间和时间维度上同时捕捉视频流的运动信息,网络结构包括8个卷积层、5个下采样层、2个全连接层以及1个输出层构成。输入层输入16帧连续图像送至卷积层,在每个卷积层分别使用64、128、256、512个滤波器进行卷积计算,所有滤波器均为3×3×3,在每个下采样层中使用最大下采样同时对时空域的数据进行缩减,其中下采样层分布在卷积层之后,接着数据被送入全连接层输出一个4096维的特征向量,经Softmax分类层计算得出分类结果。经过实验测试,在蒙特利尔、Le2i以及自制数据集上的准确率分别为84.61%、93.18%和78.57%。


Falling Behavior Detection Method Based on Video Stream


With the increase in the proportion of the elderly population, the number of elderly people living alone has also increased year by year. If the elderly who live alone can not be saved in time, it may cause serious consequences. Therefore, the automatic recognition of fall behavior of elderly is of great importance. The traditional method of identifying the fall behavior needs the method of artificial design feature extraction, and the characteristics of artificial design are often trained for a specific data set, and it is difficult to generalize to other data sets. Convolution neural network has made remarkable achievements in image feature extraction, and it can learn features from data without supervision. In this paper, 3D convolution neural network is used to identify the video streaming behavior. The 3D convolution network can capture the motion information of video stream at the same time in space and time dimension. The network structure consists of 8 coiling layers, 5 pooling layers, 2 full connection layers and 1 output layers. The input layer input 16 consecutive frames to the convolution layer. In each layer, 64, 128, 256, and 512 filters are used to calculate convolution. All the filters are 3×3×3, and the maximum pooling is used in each of the lower sampling layers to reduce the data in the space-time domain simultaneously, and the middle and lower sampling layers are distributed after the coiling layer. The data is sent to the full link layer to output a 4096 dimensional feature vector, and the classification result is calculated by the softmax classification layer. After experimental tests, the accuracy rates on Montreal, Le2i, and home-made datasets were 84.61%, 93.18%, and 78.57%, respectively.

Key Words: Fall detection, deep learning, 3D convolutional neural networks, video surveillance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 传统的跌倒检测方法 2

1.2.2 基于深度学习的跌倒检测 4

1.3本论文研究的主要内容 4

1.4 本论文的结构安排 5

第二章 卷积神经网络的相关理论 6

2.1 前向神经网络 6

2.1.1 前向神经网络结构 6

2.1.2 激活函数 7

2.2 卷积神经网络(CNN) 8

2.2.1 卷积神经网络的结构 9

2.2.2 卷积神经网络的特性 12

2.3 本章小结 13

第三章 3D卷积神经网络 14

3.1 3D卷积神经网络 14

3.1.1 3D卷积 14

3.1.2 3D下采样 15

3.1.3 3D卷积神经网络结构 15

3.2 跌倒识别数据集 17

3.2.1 数据集介绍 17

3.2.2 数据集处理 20

3.3 本章小结 20

第四章 基于3D CNN的视频跌倒检测方法 21

4.1 Tran3D卷积神经网络 21

4.1.1 网络结构 21

4.1.2 与Ji3D CNN对比 22

4.2 实验环境 22

4.3实验流程 22

4.4 实验与结果 23

4.4.1 数据预处理 23

4.4.2 实验基本参数设置 24

4.4.3 评价标准 25

4.4.4 实验结果 25

4.5 结果分析 29

第五章 总结与展望 32

5.1 论文总结 32

5.2 展望 32

参考文献 33

第一章 绪论



图1-1 2010-2055年中国老龄人口及预测


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