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On Translation of American Drama Subtitle Based on Functional Theory----With “Breaking Bad” as an Example从功能翻译理论看美剧字幕翻译——以美剧《绝命毒师》为例开题报告

 2020-07-07 22:10:49  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

On#160;Translation of American Drama Subtitle Based on Functional Theory----With ”Breaking Bad” as an Example 从功能翻译理论看美剧字幕翻译#8212;#8212;以美剧《绝命毒师》为例 With the accelerating process of globalization and the development of science and technology, the network plays a vital role in the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures. The film and television works in Europe and America have become a hot spot today, and the subtitle translation has attracted more and more people's attention. However, as a new field, subtitle translation has not been a complete set of theoretical systems, and the many limitations of subtitle translation are also urgently needed to be solved.German functionalist translation theory is a relatively complete theoretical system of translation. It can provide theoretical support for the solution of problems in subtitle translation, and has a guiding role in subtitle translation in the future. Before the 1970s, translatology had been regarded as a part of linguistics in the west, and was regarded as a linguistic phenomenon.In the early 70s, the German functional translation theory has formed a complete set of translation theory schools through the promotion, enrichment and perfection of several generations. Its representative figures are mainly Kathrinan Reiss,Kathrinan Reiss,Justa Holz Manttari,Christiane Nord. Reiss. Katharina(1971) put forward that different text types have corresponding functions. Text function should be regarded as a criterion of translation criticism, that is to say, we should attach importance to the functional equivalence between the original and the target text in the process of translation. Although this theory was based on equivalence theory, she presented that the judgment of translation should not be based on some linguistic features of the original text. A student of Reiss Vermeer H (1978) broke the central position of authority in the process of translation. The original is no longer the basis and starting point of translation. It is considered that the purpose of deciding translation is the highest principle of translation.In addition to the Skopos rule, Vermeer also proposed coherence rule and fidelity rule. Coherence rule refers to the relationship between the target text and the receiver of the target text. The target text must be understood by the target receiver and meaningful in the target culture and the communicative context. The law of faithfulness refers to the relationship between the original and the translation, that is, the one that is usually said to be faithful to the original. Li Yufan (2014) holds that skopos theory takes translation purposes as the leading criterion of translation behavior, breaks the limitation of equivalence theory in language level, and opens up a new research perspective. Skopostheology puts the focus of translation from the faithfulness of the original to the creation of the translation based on the purpose. Holz-M#228;ntarri (1984) proposed to separate the two concepts of translation and translation. Translation behavior refers to all activities that translators do for translation, including the preparation before translation and the communication and consultation before the entrustment. All translation related actions are all translation activities.She put the core of translation in various forms of cross-cultural transformation. In his theory, the original is only one of the multiple information available to the translator, and the translator can choose to use it to further weaken the status of the original text in translation. Nord is the main representative of the German translation research field at present. Nord (1989) put forward the "Translation Oriented discourse analysis mode", namely the famous "W Fragen" -- who said what, what way to speak, who to say, what purpose it has.She also proposed to classify the functions of the text according to the type of text and select the corresponding translation strategy according to the function of the text. Nord's loyalty principle means that the translator should be responsible for the original author, the initiator and the receiver of the translation at the same time, which requires the translator not only to harmonize the differences between cultures, but also to solve all kinds of conflicts reasonably. Chen Xiaowei (1995,2000,2004) thinks that Function plus Loyalty theory greatly enriches the Skopos Theory and makes it more scientific and instructive. Wu Wenan (2003) points out that it corrections the ultra radical functionalist translation theory and makes the theory more perfect. References Reiss. Katharina. Translation criticism:the potentials limitations[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 2004. Nord. Christiane.Textanalyse und Uebersetzen[M].Heidelberg;Julius Groos Verlag,1991. Reiss. Katharina.Texttyp und Uebersetzungsmethode[M].Heidelberg;Julius Groos Verlag,1983.#160; Vermeer H. Groundwork for a general theory of translation[J]. 1984. 陈小慰.翻译功能的启示[J].中国翻译,2000,(4) 黎敏浅.论德国功能主义翻译理论[J].湖北教育学院学报,2006,(12). 李和庆,薄振杰.规范与影视字幕翻译[J].中国科技翻译,2005(18).李运兴.字幕翻译的策略[J].中国翻译,2013,03:105-109. 李雨帆. 浅析汉斯#183;弗米尔的目的论[J]. 华人时刊旬刊, 2014 (2). 麻争旗.论影视翻译的基本原则[J].现代传播#8212;北京广播学院学报.1997(05):16-25. 吴爱丽.影视翻译中的交际原则[J].上海外国语大学,2004. 吴文安.功能翻译理论与文学翻译[J].广州大学学报,2003,(6). 席东、杨燕清.以〈风声〉为例探讨电影字幕翻译的关联[J]电影文学, 2010. 周觉知.德国功能翻译理论述评[J].求索,2006,(10).#160; 仲伟合,钟钰.德国的功能派翻译理论[J].中国翻译.1999,(3).

2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

Methods 1.Some works, articles, journals and books on this subject have been read before my starting this paper, which can be found in the library and on the Internet. I found that subtitle translation lacks professional guiding theory. Besides, functionalist translation theory can play a vital role in in subtitle translation. In the functional translation theory introduced above, I think Reiss#8217;s Text Typology, Vermeer#8217;s Skopos Theory and Nord#8217;s Function plus Loyalty are very useful in subtitle translation. 2.Sample analysis and case study of subtitle translation in American drama ”Breaking Bad” will be adopted in my thesis to show that functionalist can provide more specific perspectives for the assessment of subtitle translation, and therefore can help in the production of high quality translation. I will point out which part is well done or not good enough and try to improve the translation with the guidance of theories.

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