On C-E Translation of Tourism Text from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology Theory - A Case Study of Suzhou Museum Offcial Website 生态翻译学视角下旅游文本的英译-以苏州博物馆官网为例开题报告
2020-07-07 22:10:51
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
2.1Literature Review on Eco-translatology theory Eco-translatology is a theory brought up by Hu Gengshen, a Chinese research scholar, in 2014. Darwin#8217;s theory of biological evolution is the philosophical and theoretical foundation of eco-translatology. The core of natural selection is adaptation to nature and the fundamental is the survival of the fittest. The most important parts of eco-translatology are adaptation and natural selection, advocating a translation process with translator as its center. The concept of eco-translatology first appeared in October, 2001, when professor Hu made a speech named ”From the Darwinian Principle of Adaptation and Selection to Translation Studies” in Hong Kong Baptist University. The timely establishment of International Association of Eco-Translatology Research in 2010 and the publishing of Journal of Eco-translatology in 2011, along with convening of International seminar of Eco-Translatology Research, show that eco-translatology has gone out of China and walked towards the world. Hu(2013:495-496) stated that ”Eco-translatology is an emerging eco-translation paradigm of translation studies from ecological perspectives.”and ”Within the eco-translation paradigm, translation as eco-balance, translation as textual transplants, and translation as adaptation and selection are taken as its core concepts.” Liu Yunhong and Xu Jun(2004) affirm Translation as Adaptation and Selection is not constrained within binary opposition such as literal translation or liberal translation and tries to think in a social and cultural environment instead, which is creative and original. Li Yashu and Huang Zhonglian(2005) review the monograph by Hu Gengshen on his theoretical framework of Translation as Adaptation and Selection writes that the theory is an original exploration into macro translational issues and believes the new approach would make a notable impact oon theoretical studies in the translation circle in China. Zu Lijun(2007:89-92) thinks ”To keep ecological balance of nature and language, it is necessary to introduce translation ecology, whose purpose is to balance the positions of language and cultural exchange.” Leng Yuhong(2011:71-73) questions that whether the supposition that the translator is the center of the translation environment can stand. His paper indicates that the translator with eco-consciousness can#8217;t be center as the translator is one of the numbers in such an environment, just like the original text, the translated text, the readers etc. And shares the equal dialogue with other members. As response to this question, Hu Gengshen(2011:7-9) writes an article, confirming that translator is still the center in the translation environment. Professor Hu explains that anthropocentrism in ecology research is different from ”translation as center” in the translation process. Anthropocentrism emphasize human benefits are the value standard and criteria for moral judgement. However, ”translator as center” means that translator is playing the leading role in such an environment, judging and then deciding the proper translation according to its environment. 2.2Literature Review on Tourism text The past decade has witnessed great progress in translation studies of tourism texts. The studies mainly focus on text types and functions of tourism materials, comparative studies of stylistic features of Chinese and English tourism materials, studies from cultural perspective and analysis of translation problems in tourism materials. New-mark divide texts into three types:expressive, informative and vocative. Tourism texts are apparently vocative texts, including introduction of scenic spots, tourism advertisements, public signs and so on. As for the functions of tourism website, there are different voices. Chen Aibing(2011)thinks tourism texts serve for information delivering and action seducing, while Zhang Ning(2000)thinks tourism text are primarily informative texts. Most scholars agree with Chen that tourism text is a combination of two functions. As for culture in tourism texts, Lai Shaohua(2005) points out that the translation of tourism texts should mainly consider the cultural environment of the readers, and should maximize the cultural information of original texts. Lai also gives some translation strategies like extra explanation on cultural-loaded words and application of analogies to lead readers fall into imagination in a certain language situation. Current translation quality of tourism texts is not very satisfying. Gao Cun and Zhang yun(2005) made a questionaire on the C-E translation of tourism texts and it turned out Chinglish was a severe problem and the information of the original texts are not transferred enough. Wang Ning(2005) summarized five problems in tourism text translation:word-for-word translation, mechanical application, incorrect or incomplete information delivering, misunderstanding of the original texts and grammar mistakes. Xu Dan(2009:747) points out that most of the researches on tourism texts are based on translation examples rather than scientific theories. Besides, related papers are discussing the problem on a cultural level and don#8217;t pay much attention to linguistics and research findings in the translation field. In the practice process of tourism texts translation, there exist problems like errors and omission, which make the tourism texts fail to attract foreign tourists or spread Chinese culture. Xu advocates foreignizing translation and thinks translators should also give consideration to functional strategy. Most of the researches are confined to traditional printing texts. However, studies on tourism website texts are comparatively little. Therefore, in the future it should be strengthened to study E-C or C-E translation of tourism website texts through corpus-based approach. Garzone(2002) holds that websites are texts in nature, a muti-symbol system under mutual effect among different resources, including language, pictures, sounds and diagrams etc.So, the meaning is conveyed not only through words but also other symbols. Gloria() ”In most fields, and especially in the tourism industry, where the main goal is to encourage hundreds of thousands of people to travel throughout the globe, a good or a bad website can make the difference.” ”website translation can be considered a type of specialized translation and the translation of tourism-related webpages are no exception. Gloria thinks keyword analysis is an important part of the translation process for the web. Whether this process should be called translation, localization or adaptation is a question for further research with the premise in mind that web content is not just an online version of a printed or printable document, but a brand new land for translation studies and linguistics to explore.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
This paper is conducted by qualitative methodology. Based on eco-translatology, this paper aims to analyze the translation strategies used by translator of Suzhou Museum website. Case study is the main method in this research. Unlike many other studies on tourism website translation, which compares several websites at one time, this paper chooses one specific tourism website in both Chinese and English. The Chinese version is divided in 7 parts:Homepage, Information, Exhibitions, Collections, Products, Activities, Gugong Institute(Suzhou); The English version of Suzhou museum official website is divided into five parts: Homepage, Information, Exhibitions, Collections and Museum Tour. Except homepage, there are three same parts with corresponding information. These three parts are what this paper will mainly analyze. After analyzing the strategies being used, this paper will summarize the most practical and valuable ones for others#8217; reference or bring up new translation strategies.
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