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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 资源环境科学 > 正文


 2020-07-04 19:51:59  

摘 要


关键词:载铁活性炭 除磷 吸附 再生

Experimental study on enhanced purification of phosphorus from water by activated carbon based hydrated iron oxide nanocomposite


High phosphorus content is the deep cause of eutrophication.The adsorption method has been widely used in various phosphorus removal methods due to its advantages of easy operation, high efficiency, no secondary pollution, recyclable utilization and low price.Metal oxide adsorbent has high adsorption potential due to its fast adsorption rate and high adsorption capacity, but the size of metal oxide nanometer limits its application in engineering.In this experiment, ferrogen-loaded activated carbon composite materials were prepared by using activated carbon loaded with hydrated iron oxide, and its phosphorus removal performance was studied experimentally.The results showed that the adsorption effect of the composite adsorbent was proportional to the temperature, but the effect of temperature on the adsorption was not significant.The higher the pH, the worse the adsorption effect,and the adsorption is highest at a pH of 2-3.As time goes on, the adsorbent adsorption effect increases. When it reaches 13h, the adsorbent adsorption effect tends to be flat and the adsorption amount is close to saturation.The co-existence of three competing ions in solution will not significantly affect the adsorption effect of phosphorus, indicating that the composite has excellent adsorption selectivity.The results show that 10% NaOH solution is the best for desorption.After desorption, the resorption experiment of adsorbent was carried out.

Keywords: Iron load activated carbon; phosphorus removal; adsorption; regenerate


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 常用的污水除磷工艺 1

1.2.1化学凝聚法 1

1.2.2结晶法 2

1.2.3 吸附法 2

1.2.4生物法 2

1.2.5人工湿地法 2

1.3 吸附除磷的研究进展 3

1.3.1 常见的除磷吸附剂 3

1.3.2 吸附法除磷技术的展望 4

1.4 铁氧化物吸附剂 5

1.5 本论文的意义 5

第二章 实验部分 6

2.1 实验试剂及仪器 6

2.2 实验方法 7

2.2.1 载铁活性炭的制备 7

2.2.2 磷溶液的配制 7

2.2.3 显色剂的配制 7

2.2.4温度对吸附的影响实验 8

2.2.5 pH对吸附的影响实验 8

2.2.6 动力学对吸附的影响实验 8

2.2.7 竞争离子对吸附的影响实验 9

2.2.8 脱以及再吸附实验 9

2.3 分析及计算 10

2.3.1 磷溶液标准曲线 10

2.3.2 吸附量的计算 11

第三章 实验结果与讨论 12

3.1 吸附剂的表征 12

3.2 温度对吸附的影响 12

3.2 pH对吸附的影响 15

3.3 吸附动力学 16

3.4 竞争离子对吸附的影响 17

3.5 吸附剂的脱附以及再吸附实验 17

第四章 结论与展望 20

4.1 结论 20

4.2 展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 25

第一章 前言

1.1 研究背景




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