2020-06-26 19:48:16
摘 要
Study on Controlled Effect of Edible Peanut Protein Isolate Film on Flavor Substances
Peanut protein film is a new type of material that can be applied to food packaging due to its green and environmentally friendly properties. However, due to the lack of flexibility and large amount of hydrophilic group contained in the peanut protein membrane, the peanut protein membrane has the disadvantages of being permeative to water and extremely brittle. The presence of these defects will limit its application in food packaging. In this study, glycosylation was used to improve the membrane of peanut protein isolate, and the effect of glycosylation on the physical properties and flavor slow release effect of peanut protein isolate was investigated.
Through the experiment, the following conclusions can be drawn: After the glycosylation reaction, the water content of the peanut protein film sample on day 0 and day 1 was basically the same as that of the PPI sample, and the water content of the sample on the 2nd day was significantly improved. In the aspect of water solubility of the membrane, the water solubility of the membranes of the 1-2 day sample of the glycosylation reaction increased, and the water solubility of the membrane of the sample that was reacted for 3 days significantly decreased. In the determination of the water vapor permeability, it was found that the water vapor permeability of the protein film decreased as the glycosylation reaction proceeded.In the determination of the mechanical properties of the sample, it was found that after the glycosylation reaction, the tensile strength of the protein film decreased significantly, and the glycosylation reaction sample had the lowest tensile strength at 3 days. It can also be seen from the figure that the extent of the glycosylation reaction has a great influence on the elongation rate, in which the maximum value is reached at the 2nd day of the reaction, and the minimum elongation rate is reached at the 3rd day of the reaction time. In the determination of non-specific cross-links, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interaction forces, disulfide bonds, and electrostatic interactions within the protein membrane, it was found that in the non-specific cross-linking, the glycosylation reaction prepared There was no significant change in the dissolution rate between protein films.In the study of the effect of hydrogen bonding, it was found that the solubility of PPI sample was low, and the sample on day 0 increased significantly, and then decreased continuously. The hydrogen bonding force in the sample on day 0 was the strongest. When discussing the effect of gum arabic on the disulfide bond in the protein membrane, the gradual growth trend can be clearly seen, and among all five kinds of intramembrane forces, the effect of disulfide bond is the most obvious, and the trend is clearest. The largest value is the main chemical force that affects the properties of the membrane.In the process of analyzing the curve of the controlled release of the flavor of the film, it was found that the sustained release rate constant of the peanut protein film mixed with the polysaccharide and subjected to the glycosylation reaction gradually decreased with the occurrence of the glycosylation reaction, and thus It can be seen that the glycosylation reaction can significantly reduce the release rate of limonene in the membrane. Combining the two calculation methods, the release rate of the three-day sample is the slowest, and it is relatively stable, which is suitable as the material in the packaging film.After mixing with Arabia gum in PPI and after 3 days of glycosylation, the physical and chemical properties of the peanut protein membrane and the best release efficiency are best. It is suitable to be used as the internal material in the food packaging film.
Keywords: Peanut protein isolate; Glycosylation;Controlled release;
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 花生蛋白简介 1
1.1.1 花生蛋白结构 1
1.1.2 花生蛋白应用 1
1.1.3 花生蛋白的功能性质研究现状 2
1.2 糖基化反应 3
1.2.1 糖基化改性 3
1.2.2 糖基化反应产物中蛋白和多糖之间的作用力 4
1.3 可食性蛋白膜对风味物质的缓释效应 5
1.4 立题意义 5
第二章 实验材料与方法 7
2.1 材料与方法 7
2.1.1 材料与试剂 7
2.1.2 仪器设备 7
2.2 试验方法 8
2.2.1 蛋白质与多糖共价交联产物的制备 8
2.2.2 添加柠檬烯的花生蛋白膜制备 8
2.2.3 水溶性测定 8
2.2.4 水蒸气渗透率的测定 8
2.2.5 机械性能的测定 9
2.2.6 膜内化学作用力的测定 9
2.2.7 膜的风味缓释 10
第三章 实验结果与讨论 11
3.1 水溶性的测定 11
3.2 水蒸气渗透率的测定 11
3.3 机械性能的测定 12
3.4 膜内化学作用力的测定 13
3.4.1 糖基化反应对蛋白膜中的非特异性交联的影响 13
3.4.2 糖基化反应对蛋白膜中的静电相互作用的影响 14
3.4.3 糖基化反应对蛋白膜中氢键的影响 14
3.4.4 糖基化反应对蛋白膜中疏水相互作用的影响 15
3.4.5 糖基化反应对蛋白膜中二硫键的影响 16
3.4.6 蛋白膜内主要化学作用力的讨论 17
3.5 膜的风味缓释 17
第四章 实验结论与展望 22
4.1 结论 22
4.2 不足与展望 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 27
第一章 绪论
1.1 花生蛋白简介
1.1.1 花生蛋白结构
花生蛋白中主要部分是由花生球蛋白和伴花生球蛋白构成的,花生球蛋白占了大部分约63%,而伴花生球蛋白只占了小部分约33%[4]。花生球蛋白主要是以α-花生球蛋白为主,分子量在600 kDa附近,含有40.5、37.5、35.5以及23.5 kDa 4种不同分子量的亚基。而伴花生球蛋白又分为伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ和伴花生球蛋白Ⅱ,其中伴花生球蛋白Ⅰ主要是以142 kDa分子量的亚基存在,伴花生球蛋白Ⅱ主要是以290 kDa分子量的亚基存在[5]。
1.1.2 花生蛋白应用
1.1.3 花生蛋白的功能性质研究现状
一般对于蛋白的功能特性介绍,主要是包括其溶解性、乳化性、凝胶性以及成膜性等。根据近年来花生蛋白的研究重点以及本论文的研究方向,接下来主要介绍花生蛋白的溶解性和成膜性。 溶解性
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