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毕业论文网 > 文献综述 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2020-04-15 16:48:09  


The intra-city freight belongs to the professionallogistics distribution services, and known as "the last kilometer oflogistics". Companied with Shunfeng, Deppon, Zhongtong, Yuantong and otherprofessional logistics companies, the business focus of intra-city freight are different .Intra-city freight only provides short-distance logistics distribution within acity from point to point, which is usually characterized by small batch,multi-frequency and timeliness. The intra-city freight greatly meets users'growing demand for direct distribution, residential distribution and"door-to-door" distribution, and it effectively fills the gap between B2Bfreight logistics and e-commerce logistics, providing customers with more diversifiedservice options. The traditional intra-city freight industry has somedisadvantages, such as low information conversion rate, low pricingtransparency, and lacks of protection for the rights and interests ofshippers and drivers, etc. However, the rapid development of sharing economyhas promoted the transformation and upgrading of the traditional intra-cityfreight industry. Under the sharing economy, a new economic type and resourceallocation method has been created, massive decentralized idle resources areintegrated and shared based on modern technologies. At the same time, the intra-city freight platform has been developed, whichmatches the information of goods and vehicles, helps enterprises to simplifyunnecessary links, saves a lot of labor costs and provides personalizedservices for shippers.

The intra-city freight platform saves the processof shipper looking for vehicle, drivers waiting for the goods and thenegotiation between shippers and drivers. The platform can significantlyimprove the efficiency of transactions, but also brought new problems: thefreight platform is responsible for the integration of vehiclesinformation and the shippers' demand information. Then the drivers will pickupgoods from the shippers and deliver them to the appointed places after thesuccessful match of their information. During thkis process, the platform can’tget directly contact with the goods but charge according the estimate volumefrom the photos uploaded by shippers. Affectedby the personal shooting skills, there are always exsiting some errors in theestimation of the volume of goods, which leads to the mismatch between shippersand drivers and unreasonable charges .The purpose of this paper is to correctthe deviation of the estimation volume by the freight platform, so as to matchthe vehicle according to the accurate volume, reasonably charge the shipper forshipping, and finally achieve a win-win situation among the three parties underthe sharing economy.

On the one hand, this paper summarizes the developmentprocess and problems of the intra-city freight platform, and analyzes thedevelopment prospect of the platform. On the other hand, by studying thefreight pricing under the intra-city freight platform , considering thevariable charging volume, this paper establishes the pricing model and proposesa more reasonable charging standard, so as to realize the win-win situation ofthe platform, shipper and driver under the sharing economy from a newperspective.


在货运平台的整体运营方面, Mengke Yang等设计了一个智能物流平台,包含电子商务、自助收发器、大数据分析、路径规划和最优订单分配等功能,采用并发处理、异构终端数据访问、封装和数据挖掘等技术构建了包含软件层 (saas)、平台层 (paas) 和基础设施 (iaas) 的智能物流云平台体系结构; Chabot T等定位于协同运输管理领域,研究比较了了最小化托运人的运输成本、运营商成本、环境成本以及综合成本四种协作方案,证明了综合成本最低方案的优越性;宋娟娟和刘伟从双边市场理论的视角出发,对公路货运物流平台现状及类型、物流平台运营机制进行分析,并针对发展问题提出了相应改进建议;孙增乐和祝锡永通过对共享物流的分析,提出构建共享物流信息平台,利用平台线上和线下的有机结合来解决物流业中尤其是仓储运输业的信息不平衡、市场供需不协调等问题。

上述文章从不同角度肯定了同城货运平台的发展前景。在此基础上,许多学者就平台运营中的具体问题进行了探讨。对于货运平台中货主与司机的供需匹配问题,大多集中在对车辆调度的研究。 Allahyari S等对具有时间窗的多车厂车辆路径问题进行研究,结合GRASP、迭代局部搜索和模拟退火启发式算法,提出了解决该问题的混合方法;Gounaris等针对货物配送需求不确定的情况下,以运输费用最小化为优化目标,建立需求不确定的自适应存储规划启发式(AMP)方法的鲁棒优化模型;潘雯雯等以客户需求拆分阈值和多车型作为问题的新约束建立混合整数规划模型,以离散型人工蜂群算法为路径优化算法,以局部搜索算法为路径改进算法设计了两阶段算法,分析了不同需求拆分阈值对问题解的影响;王雁凤和黄有方对大规模零担物流运输网络优化问题进行研究,构建了基于双层规划的零担物流轴辐式网络模型,在进化博弈和多目标优化思想的基础上,设计出分层遗传算法进行求解,通过数值模拟验证了算法的有效性,在枢纽选址和流量分配上为决策者提供依据。

不同的收益分配、成本分摊模式无疑会对货运平台运费定价产生影响,许多学者从不同角度出发,对平台运费定价方法进行了研究。 Kung L C和Zhong G Y构建了一个以共享经济和网络外部性为特征的博弈论模型,对基于会员的定价,基于交易的定价和交叉补贴三种定价策略的最优价格于盈利能力进行了比较分析;邢大宁等从物流信息平台运营商的视角,运用双边市场理论,考虑垄断平台单边收费、双边收费以及竞争平台用户单归属等多种情况,通过建模分析平台定价策略;陈文强和刘一楠利用博弈论方法研究物流运输网络通行费定价问题,以求平衡不同层面服务线路上的交通流量,达到提高运输网络效率的目的;熊倩参考产品拍卖中常用的静态贝叶斯均衡博弈,建立物流云平台环境中的车主报价模型,并针对城市配送服务竞价特点对模型进行改进,得到影响车主报价的主要因素;肖青将B2C企业配送服务定价问题抽象成为一个两阶段的博弈模型,在消费者行为模型解的基础上,通过最大化零售商利润,得出了零售商利润函数与运费和免运费阈值以及价格三者之间的关系,进而确定零售商最优的配送服务定价策略。


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