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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:50:03  

摘 要


首先本文在研究全面质量管理理论知识和在医药冷链物流质量监控管理中应用的基础上,应用HACCP(危害分析的临界控制点,Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)与SERVQUAL服务质量模块的理论方法结合我国医药冷链物流的发展状况及特点,构建了初始的医药冷链物流服务质量评价体系。其次设计调查问卷以此来检验初始评价指标的有效性,选择与医药冷链物流有过接触的群体作为问卷的发放对象。使用SPSS软件对调查问卷的数据进行统计分析以及信度效度分析,对初始的指标进行校验和调整,最终得到了相对科学和准确的医药冷链物流质量服务评价指标体系,其中包括可靠性、响应性、安全性、有形性、经济性五个维度和其相对应的23个具体指标。最后依据调查问卷中“您/您的单位常常订购冷链药品所用的物流企业”这一问题的统计分析结果,选择了上海医药有限公司的医药冷链物流进行了实例分析,利用构建的评价体系对该公司的冷链物流进行了评价并提出了改进建议。




The transportation of many pharmaceuticals needs to be under a strict cold-chain environment, but at present, the quality of monitoring management and the evaluation system of pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics in China is not perfect. In recent years,with the expanding market of vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood and other cold chain medicine products and the burst of coronavirus-19, the management of the monitoring quality of global pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics is facing great challenges. Building a sound quality of pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics services evaluation system will help us to find out the existing deficiencies and improve the service quality of cold-chain logistics.

First of all, based on the research of TQM theory and the application of quality control in pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics, this thesis applies HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) Point) and SERVQUAL service quality module, combined with the development and characteristics of pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics in China, to build a initial pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics service quality evaluation system. Secondly, a questionnaire was designed to test the effectiveness of the initial evaluation index, and the groups who had contact with the pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics were selected as the objects of the questionnaire. SPSS software was used to analyze the data of the questionnaire to analyze the reliability and validity. After verifying and adjusting the initial indicators, finally obtained a relatively scientific and accurate evaluation system of pharmaceutical cold-chain logistics quality service, which includes five dimensions as reliability, responsiveness, safety, tangibility, economy and 23 specific indicators. Finally, according to the statistical analysis results of the questionnaire "the logistics enterprises that you / your units often order cold-chain pharmaceutical ", the cold-chain logistics of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is selected as example analysis, and the evaluation system constructed is used to evaluate the cold chain logistics of the company and put forward suggestions for improvement.

The evaluation system established in this thesis will provide a reference for enterprises to choose logistics partners, and it can be used as reference for the construction of the evaluation system of pharmaceutical cold chain logistics.

Keywords: Medicine; Cold chain logistics; Quality monitoring management; Quality service evaluation.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 论文研究背景 1

1.1.1研究目的与意义 1

1.1.2 医药冷链国内外发展现状 2

1.2 论文的研究思路及主要内容 2

1.2.1 研究思路 2

1.2.2 研究内容 4

第2章 医药冷链质量监控与评价相关理论分析 5

2.1 医药冷链质量影响因素研究 5

2.1.1 医药冷链的含义与特点 5

2.1.2 医药冷链质量影响因素 5

2.2 医药冷链质量监控方法及模型研究 5

2.2.1 全面质量管理内容分析 5

2.2.2 全面质量管理体系构架分析 6

2.2.3 全面质量管理体系关键要素分析 7

2.3基于全面质量管理的医药冷链质量监控管理 8

2.3.1 医药冷链质量监控管理现状 8

2.3.2 全面质量管理的定义 9

2.3.3 全面质量管理在医药冷链中的应用 9

2.4 医药冷链评价体系研究 10

2.4.1 SERVQUAL服务质量模型 10

2.4.2 基于HACCP的医药冷链评价内容与方式 12

第3章 医药冷链质量管理评价体系构建 14

3.1 医药冷链质量管理评价体系现状 14

3.2 医药冷链质量管理存在的问题 14

3.3 评价体系的构建 15

3.3.1 基于HACCP的医药冷链质量监控体系分析 15

3.3.2医药冷链评价体系评价指标的构建 17

3.4 调查问卷的设计与发放 19

3.4.1问卷设计 19

3.4.2 问卷发放与样本统计 19

3.5 信度和效度分析 21

3.5.1 信度分析 21

3.5.2 效度分析 22

3.6 校验后的医药冷链物流评价指标体系 23

第4章 基于HACCP与SERVQUAL的质量管理评价体系实例分析 26

4.1 上海医药(集团)有限公司概况 26

4.2 上海医药(集团)有限公司冷链物流服务质量分析 26

4.2.1 期望分析 26

4.2.2 感知分析 27

4.2.3 上药物流服务质量分析与建议 29

第5章 结论与展望 32

5.1 结论 32

5.2 展望 32

参考文献 34

附录 A 35

致谢 38

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文研究背景




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