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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:24:45  

摘 要






With the rapid development of the world economy, data has become a topic discussed by enterprises and society every day. Since the concept of big data came into being, it has a history of nearly 20 years. The popularity of big data is slowly changing people's life and habits, ranging from the application of personal mobile phones, iPads, personal PCs and other mobile devices to the transformation of organizations and governments in various countries According to technology. Big data has a far-reaching impact on both enterprises and individuals. For enterprises, data is productivity, and big data technology has been widely used. More and more enterprises also apply big data technology to the production and manufacturing of enterprises. Therefore, we need to explore what profound impact big data technology will have on enterprises in the era of big data.

Frankly speaking, enterprise is a broad topic. Every enterprise has a variety of departments, different positions, different roles, different roles and different jobs. The enterprise also includes human, material and financial resources. Therefore, this paper chooses the enterprise equipment management as the focus to explore what kind of equipment management will bring to the enterprise in the era of big data As we all know, under the arrival of big data, traditional equipment management will eventually be impacted, and the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment that we know well in the past will also be affected and changed. So how to really apply the big data of enterprise, establish the whole life cycle management system of enterprise equipment, and improve the whole life cycle management performance of enterprise equipment is currently under joint research by enterprises Based on this background, the author makes his own thinking and Analysis on the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment in the era of big data.

This paper takes a company in Daqing Oilfield as an example, but because of the impact of the actual situation such as the epidemic situation, it adopts the methods of telephone visit and data inquiry to study the whole life cycle of the equipment in the enterprise. By comparing with the traditional enterprise equipment life cycle management, it carries out the whole life cycle management of the vehicle equipment in a company in Daqing oilfield through big data technology All vehicle equipment data are uploaded to the data storage center to monitor and manage the status of vehicle equipment in real time. In this paper, the influence and function of big data technology on the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment are analyzed. At the same time, the change and innovation of the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment and the significance and value of the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment are explored in the era of big data. At the same time, it also puts forward the prospect, hoping that the whole life cycle management of enterprise equipment will enter a new stage in the era of big data.

Key words: big data; equipment management; life cycle management; change and innovation

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2相关文献综述 2

1.3研究思路与方法 3

1.4研究内容 3

第二章 大数据技术的内容及其特征 4

2.1 大数据技术的内容 4

2.2 大数据技术的特征 4

第三章 企业的全生命周期管理的研究和分析 6

3.1 企业全生命周期管理的现状 7

3.1.1 严谨规范的前期采购管理 7

3.1.2 严格高效的中期使用管理 7

3.1.3 规范科学的后期处理管理 8

3.2 企业的全生命周期管理的分析 8

3.2.1 企业设备的全生命周期管理的不足与改进 8

第四章 基于企业大数据的设备全生命周期管理分析—以大庆油田某公司为例 9

4.1 案例背景介绍 9

4.2 案例分析和方案设计 10

4.2.1 基于大数据技术的前期采购管理 11

4.2.2 基于大数据技术的中期使用管理 12

4.2.3 基于大数据技术的后期管理程序 13

第五章 总结与展望 14

5.1 总结 15

5.2 展望 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

今年是2020年,这也意味着从大数据这个概念的产生到大数据技术的兴起,已经走了接近20个年头,在这20年里,我国各大中小型企业都快速发展,逐渐追赶世界强国的脚步,而21世纪又是大数据的时代,以大数据作为网络信息化支撑的企业管理,也为企业的发展提供源源不断的动力,将数据化为生产力再也不仅仅只是一句口号,而是实际发生的事情,在大数据时代背景下,企业如何利用大数据、 云计算等技术做好设备全生命周期管理工作,同时设备全生命周期管理带来的大数据有哪些应用价值成为摆在我们面前的一个新课题。

1.1.2 研究意义



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