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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-05-25 23:38:26  

摘 要




With the advent of the era of information and electronic commerce, express has become an important part of modern service industry, and has been a leading industry which promotes circulation transformation and consumption upgrading. At the same time, due to the changes of consumption demand, manufacturing enterprise's core competitiveness is no longer the traditional large-scale, standardized production, but customers customized production mode. But this kind of production pattern need logistics distribution direct to consumers rather than high-volume and low-cost traditional logistics channels. Therefore, efficient and convenient "door to door" delivery service is of great significance to promote the healthy development of B2C manufacturing enterprises. This paper made innovation to cooperation mode between the traditional manufacturing industry and express industry. Based on the analysis of the VMI express logistics mode, this pater revealed system structure and operation process of this express logistics mode. Finally, after analyzing the operating results of practical application cases, the study found that express logistic mode based on VMI can effectively reduce logistics cost of supply chain, enhance core competitiveness of enterprises, realize the rational allocation of resources and improve customer satisfaction. It put forward relevant solutions to problems manufacturing enterprises and express encounter: manufacturing enterprises should pay attention to product quality and the convenience of communication with customers, express delivery enterprises should pay special attention to the inventory management and the degree of information sharing degree.

Key Words: express logistics; manufacturer; VMI


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 技术路线 2

1.4 主要内容 3

第2章 文献综述 4

2.1 VMI研究综述 4

2.1.1 VMI的内涵和研究 4

2.1.2 VMI的优势与不足 5

2.2 VMI和TPL整合模式比较 6

2.2.1 第三方物流 6

2.2.2 VMI amp; TPL整合模式的研究 6

2.2.3 VMI amp; TPL整合模式的优势 7

2.3 快递模式研究综述 8

第3章 基于VMI的快递物流模式的运行流程分析 10

3.1 引言 10

3.2 运作流程 10

3.2.1 模式简述 10

3.2.2 补货入库 11

3.2.3 发货和配送出库 12

3.3 模式组成模块 13

3.3.1 制造商生产系统 13

3.3.2 快递企业补货及发货系统 13

3.3.3 制造商销售系统 15

3.3.4 逆向物流系统 15

3.3.5 信息传递和反馈系统 15

第4章 案例分析 17

4.1 现实应用情况 17

4.2 模式应用反馈 17

4.2.1 优势分析 18

4.2.2 应用弊端 18

4.3 管理对策 19

第5章 总结与展望 21

5.1 总结 21

5.2 展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

  1. 绪论
  2. 研究背景


根据于宝琴(2015)的统计,2014年上半年,我国快递服务企业业务量累计完成59亿件,同比增长53.7%;业务收入累计完成897.5亿元,同比增长42.5%。其中,同城业务收入累计完成111.9亿元,同比增长56.9%;异地业务收入累计完成497.8亿元,同比增长39.9%;国际及我国港澳台业务收入累计完成144.9亿元,用笔增长12.9%[3]。肖玉徽(2015)等也统计目前,日本国内快递企业有21 家,全国直营网点数1.1 万个;快递行业从业人员约25 万人(不含非直营收派网点工作人员),其中大和运输的159844 工作人员占60%左右;日本县级以上城市的快递网络覆盖率达到100%, 而且,各快递公司除提供标准的快递服务外,会根据客户需求提供高质量的、差异化的服务产品[4]

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